Dayton Daily News

Think like a physician: Mask up and get the vaccine

- Dr. Marc Belcastro Guest Columnist Dr. Marc Belcastro is the system chief medical officer at Premier Health. He is board-certified in pediatrics and neonatolog­y.

I once expressed my views on masking, encouragin­g us to “think like a clinician.” As we face a COVID-19 Delta variant and another national surge, I challenge us to once again think like a clinician. Consider the following two examples.

The 33rd World Health Assembly declared the world free of smallpox on May 8, 1980. This was considered one of the greatest public health achievemen­ts in history. Smallpox was a contagious and deadly disease, not unlike SARS-CoV-2. North America and Europe had eradicated this disease in 1952-1953 but it persisted in other parts of the world. In 1959, the World Health Organizati­on announced an eradicatio­n campaign that was slow to gain momentum until 1967. Mass vaccinatio­n finally made this scourge history, but it took more than two decades.

There were many frightenin­g childhood diseases in the early 20th century, but polio likely topped this list. It struck mainly in summer months, leading to periodic epidemics that paralyzed or killed thousands of children. With widespread vaccinatio­n, polio was virtually eliminated from the western hemisphere in 1994. I remember going to gymnasiums with my mother to drink the liquid vaccine.

We now have another highly contagious disease with the ability to mutate and evolve, given a host and time. We have science, technology and the commitment of private industry that labored 24/7 to bring us highly effective and safe vaccines. We benefit from widespread access to the internet, which brings a seemingly limitless amount of informatio­n to our fingertips. But it is also a vehicle for misinforma­tion and personal agendas.

How do clinicians think? We know that vaccines prevent our children from contractin­g diseases such as chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, meningitis and diphtheria. We know vaccines have rare side effects when compared to the death, disability and devastatio­n caused by these diseases. We know that while vaccinated individual­s can develop COVID-19, the chances of disease after exposure are significan­tly higher in the unvaccinat­ed, not to mention serious disease.

The vast majority of patients currently hospitaliz­ed locally because of COVID-19 are unvaccinat­ed. We know that some of the touted side effects are much more common and debilitati­ng when they occur in individual­s with the actual disease versus in the vaccinated. We know the next variant could be more deadly to our children who are not yet eligible for the vaccine.

At this point in the pandemic, mass vaccinatio­n will not eliminate COVID-19 — we are too late for that. However, we can slow the spread, save lives and turn COVID19 into a disease that society can live with.

A clinician knows all these facts and uses that knowledge to make the only recommenda­tion backed by science. Get your vaccine — for yourself, your children, your family, your friends and your community.

 ?? JOHN LOCHER / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? At this point in the pandemic, mass vaccinatio­n will not eliminate COVID-19, but the spread can be slowed and many lives saved around the world.
JOHN LOCHER / ASSOCIATED PRESS At this point in the pandemic, mass vaccinatio­n will not eliminate COVID-19, but the spread can be slowed and many lives saved around the world.
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