Dayton Daily News

Panel wary of court expansion, but open to term limits

- By Jessica Gresko

Acommissio­n tasked with studying potential changes to the Supreme Court has released a first look at its review, a draft report that is cautious in discussing proposals for expanding the court but also speaks approvingl­y of term limits for justices.

The 36-member bipartisan commission, largely composed of academics, has been studying court reform and holding hearings, but it was not charged with making recommenda­tions under the White House order that created it. As a result, much of the some 200 pages of materials the commission released Thursday night are history and context for reform proposals.

A final report from the committee, which was meeting Friday, is expected in about a month and would go to the president then. Even when the commission does finish its work, however, any proposals for change would be met with serious political headwinds particular­ly with midterm elections looming and the chance that Democrats could lose control of Congress.

The current makeup of the Supreme Court, with a conservati­ve majority, and key issues that are likely to be addressed by the court could shape the conversati­on in upcoming midterm elections. There are two growing pressure points: abortion and voting rights. The court’s decision last month not to block a Texas abortion law from going into effect has left the state with the nation’s most restrictiv­e measures. Challenges to the law are ongoing and the court is already hearing a major abortion case in December that could reshape abortion rights nationwide. There also stand to be legal challenges to GOP efforts to restrict access to the ballot in several battlegrou­nd states.

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