Dayton Daily News

How to make the holidays magical without breaking the bank

- John North For more about shopping for the holidays, visit or call 937-222-5825 or 800-7765301. BBB can provide lists of BBB Accredited Businesses in a variety of industries and Business Profiles on businesses you may be considerin­g.

Whether you’re looking for decoration­s, food or gifts for your family and friends, the holidays can be costly. Taking advantage of shopping holidays like Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday can help you save a little bit.

Despite the pandemic, holiday spending is expected to increase. It’s projected consumers will spend up to 9% more than the $1.2 trillion they spent on last year’s holiday season. So, you’re not alone in your holiday spending. However, it’s important to make this holiday season magical without breaking the bank.

Better Business Bureau offers these tips to consider:

Set a budget. By limiting how much you intend to spend, you can control your financial situation and still get the most out of your holiday. If you’re worried about sticking to your budget, withdraw the cash you’re allotting for the holidays and only pay in cash for what you need.

Don’t procrastin­ate and be careful purchasing sought-after products. The longer you wait the more likely you are to have trouble finding what you need and you may have to overspend.

Know that if a deal looks too good to be true, it likely is. Look out for scams on big ticket items.

Don’t be afraid to check prices online. If the store you’re shopping in is willing to price match, great. If not, consider heading elsewhere.

Coupons can be a great way to celebrate the holidays for a fraction of the cost.

Start putting money aside for bigger presents so the purchase doesn’t deplete your funds.

Use secure websites. Look for the “https” in the URL (the extra s is for “secure”) and a small lock icon on the address bar.

Make sure the item you’re buying will come in time for the holidays. With today’s supplier issues, this may be extra important.

Beware of false advertisin­g and phony websites. If a company is selling the hottest item of the year at a price that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Check the URL, watch for bad grammar, research the domain age and search for contact informatio­n.

Look at small businesses. You’ll be giving the local economy a boost and could find some unique gift items.

Beware of making quick purchases while scrolling through social media. Scammers have access to tools they need to learn about your buying behaviors.

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