Dayton Daily News

Dog owner worried about mushrooms in her lawn

- By Joan Morris

Dear Joan: I just picked a mushroom out of my lawn. I have two beagles that eat everything. Is this a dangerous one? They are coming out everywhere!

Anything nontoxic to get rid of them if they are bad ones?

— Sharon Stevens, Newark, California

Dear Sharon: When it comes to animals and mushrooms, veterinari­ans tell us to treat all mushrooms as poisonous. That way, you don’t have to wonder about it, and you can protect your dog from a potentiall­y fatal mistake. Even mushrooms that are considered safe for humans can cause stomach upset in some dogs, so the best thing is to remove the fungi.

That’s easier said than done.

The presence of mushrooms in your lawn can be an indication that your soil is healthy. Mushrooms help to break down organic matter, making nutrients available to other plants. They also can be a sign that your lawn is getting too much water — we often see mushrooms popping up after heavy rains — or that your lawn may be suffering with a thick layer of thatch. If you have a tree planted nearby, the mushrooms could be sprouting from a dying tree root.

There are ways of getting rid of them above and below ground, but some of those methods would put your dogs at risk, and others can harm your lawn. The use of fungicides is not recommende­d for people with pets and children.

Spraying a mixture of 2 tablespoon­s baking soda to a gallon of water will slowly kill the mushrooms. You also can poke holes in the soil around the mushrooms and pour in a mixture of 2 tablespoon­s dish soap with up to 3 gallons water.

The fastest and perhaps easiest way is to simply pluck them from the ground, although that won’t stop them from fruiting again.

Dear Joan: I am hoping you can shed some light on our situation. We have noticed rocks moving in our yard over the years, but they seem to be more frequent ... at least every five days or so.

We have searched and found no tracks or any other evidence. Our backyard is completely fenced in, as of four months ago, and it is only one to three rocks in one spot in the yard. And yes, it is the same rock, which is even more mysterious.

Aside from these rocks moving, we see no other evidence of any animal.

— Cindy Heredia, Albuquerqu­e, New Mexico

Dear Cindy: My best guess is that you have a raccoon visiting your yard, one that either has a highly developed sense of feng shui or is looking for some smaller critter, such as a lizard or insect, that is hiding among the rocks.

It might be worth investing in a wildlife camera and focusing it on the bed. Or hiring an exorcist.

 ?? DREAMSTIME/TNS ?? Even mushrooms that are considered safe for humans can cause stomach upset in some dogs, so the best thing is to remove the fungi.
DREAMSTIME/TNS Even mushrooms that are considered safe for humans can cause stomach upset in some dogs, so the best thing is to remove the fungi.

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