Dayton Daily News

Dayton mom shares breastfeed­ing issues

- By Rebecca Boone and Linsey Tanner

As Morgan Fabry drives around Chicago looking for baby formula that is in short supply, she can’t help but be bothered by comments from people who don’t understand why she can’t breastfeed.

She’s not alone, as one Dayton mother also explains.

Exclusive breastfeed­ing is recommende­d for the first six months of life by major medical entities like the World Health Organizati­on, giving rise to the saying, “breast is best.” But breastfeed­ing doesn’t work for everyone, and that mantra is only adding to the stress Fabry and other parents feel as the shortage drags on.

“The bottom line is fed is best,” said Fabry, 34. “I’m getting triggered by people who say, ‘Oh, just breastfeed.’ ”

At the center of the shortage is the largest domestic manufactur­ing plant in Michigan that the U.S. government is working to reopen. The Biden administra­tion is also allowing more imports from other countries.

Corryn Chini avoided the baby formula aisle during her grocery shopping trip in Dayton this week. With enough formula in her cupboard at home for a week or two, there was no sense in letting the empty shelves trigger feelings of anxiety and guilt.

For Chini, the guilt comes from lingering feelings of failure after she was unable to exclusivel­y breastfeed, starting with her first baby in 2018.

“Breastfeed­ing was a huge struggle and I felt an immense amount of guilt around not succeeding,” Chini said. “In the end I was never able to produce enough, and we had a late diagnosis of tonguetie, and it was a mess. When I had my second, I thought, ‘I can do this, I can advocate for myself,’ and again, it just didn’t work.”

Her youngest, Evangeline, was born three months ago. Chini is supplement­ing with formula.

There are various barriers to breastfeed­ing, including medical issues for the baby or mom and work and living conditions.

Dr. Lori Feldman-Winter, chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ breastfeed­ing group, said exclusive breastfeed­ing for the first six months is recommende­d and safe for most babies, but meeting the recommenda­tions can be “very challengin­g.”

Infants with an uncommon condition called classic galactosem­ia are unable to metabolize sugar in breast milk and need to be fed formula, Feldman-Winter said.

Some medical conditions make it difficult for women to breastfeed, and it isn’t recommende­d for those with HIV or undergoing cancer treatment. And exclusive breastfeed­ing is difficult for working women, who have to pump repeatedly throughout the day.

“There’s even greater barriers in underserve­d areas, women working for hourly wages in low-paying jobs. Those women tend to have even fewer supports to be able to continue to breastfeed.”

Stress releases a hormone that makes it difficult to produce milk, she said.

When Isabel Ramos gave birth in February, she worked hard to try to breastfeed her son, believing it would be beneficial for his immune system and enhance the mother-child connection. She tried pumping and worked with lactation consultant­s, but the infant wouldn’t latch onto her breast.

“You feel like a failure because you’re not able to give your baby what it needs and what it wants,” said the first-time mom from Lawrencevi­lle, Georgia.

Because of the stigma, it took her a while to tell people she wasn’t breastfeed­ing.

She’s struggling with those feelings again because she keeps hearing things from relatives and strangers online, like she should try harder to breastfeed because of the formula shortage.

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