Dayton Daily News

Strip-searches of children by London police are called ‘deeply concerning’

- Isabella Kwai

Hundreds of children LONDON — were strip-searched in London by the police over a three-year period, according to a report released by Britain’s top official for children, who said she was “unconvince­d” that the authoritie­s were sufficient­ly judicious in employing the invasive practice in light of the potential harm.

The report, which found that about 650 children had been strip-searched between 2018-20, was commission­ed by Rachel de Souza, Britain’s commission­er for children, after a young Black schoolgirl, identified in the report as “Child Q,” had been stripsearc­hed in 2020 by police officers on school grounds without her mother being notified and another adult present.

De Souza suggested that what happened to Child Q was not an isolated episode, after the report warned that protocols to protect children were not always followed, including ensuring the presence of a parent, guardian, social worker or caregiver during such searches.

“A police power that is as intrusive and traumatic for children as a strip-search must be treated with the utmost care and responsibi­lity,” she said, calling the report’s findings “deeply concerning.”

The requiremen­t that an adult be present during strip-searches of minors was not followed in 23% of the 650 cases, according to the report. It also found that police officers found nothing to suggest further action was needed in slightly more than half the total number of strip-searches.

Ninety-five percent of those who were stripsearc­hed were boys, according to the report, nearly 60% of whom were Black, adding to concerns about racial profiling in the “stop and search” approach used by the London police.

As protests over the police killing of George Floyd in the United States swept Britain in 2020, critics pointed to data that showed Black people were four times more likely than white people to be stopped and searched, and London’s mayor promised that the city would hire more new recruits from minority background­s.

The Metropolit­an Police said in a statement that it was working to balance policing needs for strip-searches with “the considerab­le impact it can have on young people.” The force has already made changes, including more oversight in the authorizat­ion of such searches, the statement said, and it has reviewed its policy for searches of people younger than 18.

The disproport­ionate numbers of Black boys being searched was worrying, de Souza said, adding that several other cases of strip-searches of children were being investigat­ed by England’s police misconduct watchdog.

The strip-search of Child Q, which was done by female police officers, was touched off when teachers said they smelled cannabis on her, but the officers did not report uncovering cannabis or any other illegal substance. Neverthele­ss, the experience was so distressin­g for Child Q , who had been menstruati­ng at the time, that she was referred for psychologi­cal support.

A review of the case by a local commission­er charged with safeguardi­ng children that was published in March found that the decision to strip-search the girl “was insufficie­ntly attuned to her best interests or right to privacy,” and concluded that racism had influenced the decision. The repercussi­ons on Child Q’s emotional health, it said, were profound and ongoing.

Local officials at the time called the findings appalling, said they were committed to working on anti-racism policies and called for policing authoritie­s to improve guidance about the proper ways to search children.

Since then, police officers in the east London borough where Child Q was searched have undergone training to combat racial bias in an effort to prevent them from treating Black children as adults.

Given that the London police carry out a total of about 200,000 “stop and searches” a year, the 650 children who were stripsearc­hed in those three years was comparativ­ely small, said Matt Ashby, a lecturer in crime science at University College London.

Still, given that such searches are traumatic for children, even if done according to protocol, it is imperative that the police perform them only when necessary, Ashby said.

“If they’re stop and searching people for weapons,” he said, “it’s quite different to stop and searching people for cannabis.”

Further data on the number of children being stripsearc­hed nationally in Britain will be published later this year, de Souza said, calling for nationwide oversight, though she did not offer specifics.

While the police had committed to learning from the case of Child Q, she said, that lesson meant it could not be repeated. “That’s what sorry means,” she added. “That it won’t happen again.”

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