Dayton Daily News

Lawful gun owners won’t harm you; criminals will

- Armstrong Williams Armstrong Williams is the largest minority owner of broadcast television stations in the U.S.

There have been innumerabl­e debates on gun ownership. These discussion­s generally address two critical factors: gun violence in inner cities and mass shootings. As a result, some Americans have called for the removal of certain weapons, such as the AR-15, from civilian ownership, and the limitation of magazines to 10 rounds as a means to combat these two problems. While I understand the desire to act quickly, we should not act in a way that makes villains of law-abiding gun owners who only wish to protect themselves and their families while simultaneo­usly giving criminals the upper hand in their pursuit of destructio­n.

Can good, responsibl­e citizens with firearms actually make a difference in life-threatenin­g situations? A recent incident in Indianapol­is demonstrat­es that, with training, a responsibl­e gun owner can respond swiftly, safely and responsibl­y to save lives. A 22-yearold saved a significan­t number of lives when he eliminated a shooter who murdered three people and injured three more in an Indiana mall; the situation likely would have been much worse. Since 2021, there have been a total of 22 confirmed incidents of concealed carry permit holders employing deadly force to stop criminals in life-threatenin­g situations. This number sounds insignific­ant in a vacuum; however, it is critical to consider that most shootings do not occur in places where firearm carry is permitted — for obvious reasons — thus there is generally no armed person available to stop a shooter.

As a gun owner with a license to carry a concealed handgun, I am fully aware that the use of force is an action of last resort. Firearm carriers are trained to avoid risky situations and make every attempt to deescalate whenever feasible. Nonetheles­s, taking a life is only appropriat­e if your own life is in imminent danger. I hope that I will never be in such a life-or-death scenario, but it is comforting to know that I can safeguard my life and the lives of others if necessary.

After all, no sane individual goes about his or her day craving blood; rather, people carry to secure their own safety. Responsibl­e individual­s can use a weapon to prevent mass shootings and other types of deadly violence.

However, the villainiza­tion of law-abiding gun owners has prompted many Americans to distrust firearms and gun owners in general. This has occurred at the hands of government actors and gun control lobbyists who twist the facts to make people believe that guns are both dangerous and unnecessar­y in life-threatenin­g situations. They make gun owners out to seem like fringe conspiracy theorists who have a deep distrust for authority.

Unsurprisi­ngly, this could not be further from the truth. Gun owners are your neighbors, your friends and your family members. The firearms community is comprised of people you care about, and they are neither monsters nor evil; they are ordinary citizens concerned with their safety and the use of the fundamenta­l right to defend themselves. No one should be at danger of having their rights and liberty infringed upon by criminals intent on causing bodily harm. Restrictiv­e gun laws merely place criminals who flout the law in control.

You may not like firearms, and you may not want to possess one, but if you ever find yourself in a situation similar to the victims in that Indianapol­is mall, you will wish there was a good Samaritan with a gun who could mean the difference between survival or death.

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