Dayton Daily News

Clarence Thomas and Ginni Thomas - American patriots

- Star Parker Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his political activist wife, Ginni, are a high-profile Washington conservati­ve power couple.

Power couples are a common Washington phenomenon. Each spouse wields political power and influence in a certain arena. Together they concentrat­e power and influence.

Per Public Citizen, of the 115th Congress, 59% of retiring congressme­n remained in Washington, taking jobs as lobbyists or in consulting firms, trade groups or business groups, working to influence government.

So, we have power couples that are in office, that were in office — congressme­n and ex-congressme­n, federal regulators and former regulators, lawyers, etc.

But there is something very different about the Thomases.

Washington power couples are about money, power and influence.

But the Thomases are about principles.

“America is in a vicious battle for its founding principles,” says Ginni Thomas.

Really, if the Thomases are successful in their struggle to restore America’s founding principles, the result is less power and influence peddling because the result is much less government.

Those who are concerned about influence peddling in Washington should enthusiast­ically support the principles that Judge Thomas and his wife, Ginni, stand for. It is exactly what the founders of the country had in mind. Limit influence peddling and corruption by limiting the size and scope of government.

In 1900, total take of government from the

U.S. economy was 7.8%. In 2020, this was up to 43.3%.

Those on the left that are so critical of Judge Thomas and Ginni Thomas

are also those who support the vast expansion of government that we have experience­d and struggle with today. This wholesale expansion of government is exactly what the founders did not want for the very reasons we see today.

What about those who argue that Justice Thomas should recuse himself from cases in which his wife has been politicall­y active?

The rules for recusal, as I understand them, are far from black and white. It is very much a subjective decision on the part of the judge to recuse him/herself.

A key issue is it that it is forbidden for a judge to discuss a pending case with a third party.

Ginni Thomas categorica­lly rejected that such discussion­s ever occur between her and her husband in her recent voluntary testimony before the House Select Committee on Jan. 6.

“I can guarantee that my husband has never spoken with me about pending cases at the Court,” she told the committee. “It is an iron clad rule in our home.”

But perhaps most importantl­y, Thomas noted “It is laughable for anyone who knows my husband to think I could influence his jurisprude­nce — the man is independen­t and stubborn, with strong character traits of independen­ce and integrity.”

It should be clear to anyone who has followed Judge Thomas over the years that this is true . ...

We keep the country free, per the founders, by limiting government. The source for guidelines for ethical behavior is in the very Christian principles that the left has worked so hard to purge from our nation.

This is exactly what Judge Clarence Thomas and Ginni Thomas bring to the table, for the benefit of all of us.

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