Dayton Daily News

Trump campaign staff on 2020 election claims: ‘fan the flame’

- By Scott Bauer

MADISON, WIS. — A newly released audio recording offers a behind-the-scenes look at how former President Donald Trump’s campaign team in a pivotal battlegrou­nd state knew they had been outflanked by Democrats in the 2020 presidenti­al election. But even as they acknowledg­ed defeat, they pivoted to allegation­s of widespread fraud that were ultimately debunked — repeatedly — by elections officials and the courts.

The audio from Nov. 5, 2020, two days after the election, is surfacing as Trump again seeks the White House while continuing to lie about the legitimacy of the outcome and Democrat Joe Biden’s win.

The Wisconsin political operatives in the strategy session even praised Democratic turnout efforts in the state’s largest counties and appeared to joke about their efforts to engage Black voters, according to the recording obtained by The Associated Press. The audio centers on Andrew Iverson, who was the head of Trump’s campaign in the state.

“Here’s the drill: Comms is going to continue to fan the flame and get the word out about Democrats trying to steal this election. We’ll do whatever they need (inaudible) help with. Just be on standby in case there’s any stunts we need to pull,” Iverson said.

Iverson is now the Midwest regional director for the Republican National Committee. He deferred questions about the meeting to the RNC, whose spokespers­on, Keith Schipper, declined comment because he had not heard the recording.

The former campaign official and Republican operative who provided a copy of the recording to the AP was in the meeting and recorded it. The operative is not authorized to speak publicly about what was discussed and did not want to be identified out of concern for personal and profession­al retaliatio­n, but said they came forward because Trump is mounting a third attempt for the White House.

In response to questions about the audio, Trump campaign spokespers­on Steven Cheung said: “The 2024 campaign is focused on competing in every state and winning in a dominating fashion. That is why President Trump is leading by wide margins in poll after poll.”

Wisconsin was a big part of Trump’s victory in 2016, when he smashed through the Democrats’ so-called “Blue Wall” in the upper Midwest, and his campaign fought hard to keep the swing state in his column four years later before his loss to Biden.

Biden defeated Trump by nearly 21,000 votes in Wisconsin in 2020, a result that has withstood independen­t and partisan audits and reviews, as well as lawsuits and recounts in the state’s two largest and Democratic-leaning counties.

Yet, two days after the election, there was no discussion of Trump having won the state during the meeting of Republican campaign operatives.

Instead, parts of the meeting focus on discussion­s about packing up campaign offices and writing final reports about how the campaign unfolded. At one point on the recording, Iverson is heard praising the GOP’s efforts while admitting the margin of Trump’s defeat in the state.

“At the end of the day, this operation received more votes than any other Republican in Wisconsin history,” Iverson said. “Say what you want, our operation turned out Republican or D JT supporters. Democrats just got 20,000 more than us, out of Dane County and other shenanigan­s in Milwaukee, Green Bay and Dane. There’s a lot that people can learn from this campaign.”

At one point, the operatives laugh over needing “more Black voices for Trump.” Iverson also references their efforts to engage with Black voters.

“We ever talk to Black people before? I don’t think so,” he said, eliciting laughter from others in the room.

 ?? MORRY GASH / AP ?? People vote at the Milwaukee County Sports Complex on Nov. 3, 2020, in Franklin, Wisconsin.
MORRY GASH / AP People vote at the Milwaukee County Sports Complex on Nov. 3, 2020, in Franklin, Wisconsin.

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