Dayton Daily News

The U.S. is unnecessar­ily inching toward World War III with China

- Armstrong Williams Armstrong Williams is a political commentato­r, entreprene­ur, author and talk show host.

The United States is inching toward World War with China.

All the lights on the dashboard are flashing:

The pivot to Asia proclaimed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Massive arms sales to Taiwan.

The United States Taiwan Defense Command in Taiwan.

The Quad with Japan, Australia and India to encircle China.

The sale of nuclearpow­ered submarines to Australia and augmentati­on of U.S. Marine forces there.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “in-your-face” gratuitous visit to Taiwan.

President Joe Biden’s repeated threats to attack China if it invades Taiwan.

Harsh economic sanctions against China indistingu­ishable from the U.S.’s economic strangulat­ion of Japan prior to Pearl Harbor.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s summons to deny China access to artificial islands in the South China Sea.

Naming China as the greatest threat to the U.S. in the Pentagon’s National Defense Strategy, released in October 2022.

Nearly two centuries of humiliatio­n of China by the West, beginning at least with the Opium War of 1842 to make Chinese drug addiction a western profit center. The U.S. followed with the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and a prohibitio­n on the naturaliza­tion of Chinese immigrants. The U.S. betrayed China during the post-World War I Paris peace talks by surrenderi­ng Shandong Province to Japan.

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles refused to shake the hand of Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai during the Geneva Conference to settle the future of Vietnam.

Taiwan is the same distance from the Chinese mainland as Cuba is to the United States. During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, we were willing to initiate war if necessary to compel the Soviet Union to remove tactical nuclear weapons from Cuba, including a blockade. Cuba had requested the missiles to deter a planned second U.S. invasion on the heels of the Bay of Pigs debacle. The USSR blinked and removed the nuclear weapons in exchange for a sotto voce agreement by the U.S. to remove Jupiter missiles from Turkey.

Today, the United States is a vastly greater existentia­l threat to China than the Soviet Union’s presence in Cuba was to the United States in 1962.

Why does anyone think China would react less strongly than the U.S. did in the Cuban Missile Crisis to the U.S.?

Why would the Chinese accept national security risks that the U.S. has shown it will not?

Our relations with

China are combustibl­e. Only a spark is necessary to ignite a conflagrat­ion that could lead to nuclear exchanges and threaten the species with nuclear winter and extinction.

A war involving the U.S. and China would likely metastasiz­e. According to the Brookings Institutio­n’s Michael O’Hanlon: “Neither Beijing nor Washington would accept defeat in a limited engagement. Instead, the conflict probably would expand horizontal­ly to other regions and vertically, perhaps even to include nuclear weapons threats — or their actual use. It literally could become the worst catastroph­e in the history of warfare.”

In recent years, U.S. war games have generally shown China defeating the U.S. One analysis concluded: “The overarchin­g takeaway from participan­ts in the war game: If China invades Taiwan, the Indo-Pacific region will plunge into a broad, drawn-out war that could include direct attacks on the U.S., including Hawaii and potentiall­y the continenta­l U.S.”

If a war with China over Taiwan seems crazy, it’s because it is!

We have no defense treaty with Taiwan. We have no diplomatic relations with Taiwan. It is not a member of the United Nations. If China annexed Taiwan, imitating our annexation of Hawaii in 1898, the annexation would not be an existentia­l threat to the United States.

President George Washington’s farewell address provides the path to extricate ourselves from a war with China over Taiwan: “The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible.”

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