Dayton Daily News

Experts propose more oversight, licensing board for police officers

- By Olivia Mitchell

Ohio barbers working without a license face penalties from the state cosmetolog­y board. Directors of funeral homes who make errors that affect families could be discipline­d by an oversight panel.

The same with bad lawyers, doctors and pharmacist­s.

But police officers?

Ohio lacks a uniform body that monitors officers from the state’s more than 800 department­s, and some say that such an agency would go far in gaining accountabi­lity and residents’ trust. It could oversee training and boost the standards for those in leadership, while offering transparen­cy, they say.

Unlike doctors, barbers and funeral home directors, police officers work for cities, townships and counties. Such an oversight panel could clash with municipal home rule, the principle in which cities can govern themselves, without state interferen­ce. The powers extend to police officers.

But as police violence escalates in cities, many question whether an agency similar to what other profession­s have could ease tensions between officers and residents.

This month, a former leader of the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy sent legislator­s a proposal for a panel that could provide clarity to the state’s police department­s, a move that would make it easier to sanction rogue officers who take part in serious misconduct.

“Good officers don’t like bad officers because they make them look bad, but there is a limited measure of actions to remove bad officers,” said Jeffrey Scott, a former police chief at Notre Dame College and a former executive director of the training academy.

Scott’s letter to the legislator­s urged a proposal that would offer greater training for law enforcemen­t leaders. He said in an interview that if agencies want to improve, change must begin at the top, and it needs to start with police chiefs and sheriffs. Scott proposed that leaders in law enforcemen­t be required to have college degrees.

That’s far different than what Ohio law calls for today.

Those running for sheriff need a high-school diploma, a record free of criminal charges and at least two years of supervisor­y experience as a sergeant or above. Scott said those requiremen­ts are outdated.

He suggested that those seeking the jobs of police chief or sheriff have a bachelor’s degree, five years of experience as a lieutenant or above and a minimum of 10 years of law enforcemen­t experience.

In 2021, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine crafted a police-reform bill that would allocate $15 million to help with the cost of yearly training in the state. However, Scott said training alone is not enough.

“The problem is lack of leadership, lack of oversight, lack of accountabi­lity and lack of best practice standards,” Scott said. “You will be amazed how many department­s don’t have any policies or haven’t updated them within 30 years.” and The Plain Dealer reached out to the Ohio State Buckeye Sheriff ’s Associatio­n and the Ohio Associatio­n of Chiefs of Police for comments on the proposal.

Marc Dann, a former Ohio attorney general, agreed with Scott that a change would benefit police and the communitie­s they serve.

“Law enforcemen­t is wrapped in tradition, so changing the culture and tradition in a field that is so laden with that will require some thought and respect for the fact that it’s going to take some time to change,” Dann said.

He said Scott’s proposal is doable, but it does present challenges, specifical­ly in funding. The plan will require additional funding from the state to pay for the training and increase officer’s salaries.

“I mean, the idea that people are earning $30,000 in positions of authority and responsibi­lity like that is very scary,” Dann said.

Recently, the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission mandated 24 hours of continued profession­al training for police officers. Scott said that’s not enough. He advocates for officers to complete 40 hours of training in topics that include community engagement, defensive tactics, de-escalation and excessive force.

There have been attempts to provide uniformity.

The Ohio Collaborat­ive Community Policing Advisory Board formed in 2015 to recommend standards for law enforcemen­t agencies in the state. But the recommenda­tions were voluntary for agencies.

Under Scott’s plan, the oversight panel would not be voluntary. The proposal urges that every law enforcemen­t agency in the state meet policies and procedures that include use of force, citizen complaints and reviews, vehicle pursuits, disciplina­ry procedures and internal investigat­ions, constituti­onal compliance and bias-free policing.

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