Dayton Daily News




A Self -Executing Amendment Relating to Abortion and Other Reproducti­ve Decisions

Proposed Constituti­onal Amendment Proposed by Initiative Petition

To enact Section 22 of Article I of the Constituti­on of the State of Ohio

A majority yes vote is necessary f or the amendment to pass.

The proposed amendment would:

Establish in the Constituti­on of the State of Ohio an individual right to one’s own reproducti­ve medical treatment, including but not limited to abortion;

Create legal protection­s f or any person or entity that assists a person with receiving reproducti­ve medical treatment, including but not limited to abortion;

Prohibit the citizens of the State of

Ohio f rom directly or indirectly burdening, penalizing, or prohibitin­g abortion bef ore an unborn child is determined to be viable, unless the State demonstrat­es that it is using the least restrictiv­e means;

Grant a pregnant woman’s treating physician the authority to determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether an unborn child is viable;

Only allow the citizens of the State of Ohio to prohibit an abortion af ter an unborn child is determined by a pregnant woman’s treating physician to be viable and only if the physician does not consider the abortion necessary to protect the pregnant woman’s lif e or health; and

Always allow an unborn child to be aborted at any stage of pregnancy, regardless of viability if , in the treating physician’s determinat­ion, the abortion is necessary to protect the pregnant woman’s lif e or health.

If passed, the amendment will become effective 30 days af ter the election.


To Commercial­ize, Regulate, Legalize, and Tax the Adult Use of Cannabis Proposed Law

Proposed by Initiative Petition

To enact Chapter 3780 of the Ohio Revised Code

A majority yes vote is necessary f or the law to pass.

To enact Chapter 3780 of the Ohio Revised Code, which would:

Define adult use cannabis to mean marijuana as defined in Section 3719.01 of the Revised Code and establish the Division of Cannabis Control (the “Division”) within the Department of Commerce;

Authorize the Division to regulate, investigat­e, and penalize adult use cannabis operators, adult use testing laboratori­es, and individual­s required to be licensed; Legalize and regulate the cultivatio­n, processing, sale, purchase, possession, home grow, and use of cannabis by adults at least twenty-one years of age;

Create additional protection­s f or individual­s who engage in permitted adult use cannabis conduct; Establish the cannabis social equity and jobs program and require the Department of Developmen­t to certif y program applicants based on social and economic disadvanta­ge;

Define “social disadvanta­ge” to include membership in a racial or ethnic minority group, disability status, gender, or long-term residence in an area of high unemployme­nt;

Shield certain confidenti­al inf ormation f rom disclosure to the public, including but not limited to any inf ormation reported to or collected by the Division that identifies or would tend to identif y any adult use cannabis consumer and prohibit the Department of Developmen­t f rom releasing certain applicatio­n inf ormation as public records;

Require the Division to provide pref erential treatment to applicants who have qualified f or the cannabis social equity and jobs program based on social disadvanta­ge when issuing level III adult use cannabis cultivator licenses and dispensary licenses;

Prohibit certain local government entities f rom limiting specific research, levying a tax, or charge on adult use operations, their owner, or their property not generally charged on other business, and prohibit certain local government entities f rom prohibitin­g or limiting adult use cannabis home grow or prohibitin­g or restrictin­g an activity authorized by the proposed law;

Authorize a landlord or an employer to prohibit the adult use of cannabis in certain circumstan­ces, and prohibit the operation of a motor vehicle while using or under the influence of adult use cannabis and f rom using any other combustibl­e adult use cannabis while a passenger in a motor vehicle;

Limit criminal liability f or certain financial institutio­ns that provide financial services to any lawf ul adult use cannabis operator or testing laboratory licensed under the proposed law;

Require the Division to enter into an agreement with the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to create a program f or cannabis addiction services;

Provide f or the creation of five f unds in the state treasury: the adult use tax f und; the cannabis social equity and jobs f und; the host community cannabis f und; the substance abuse and addiction f und; and the division of cannabis control and tax commission­er f und; and

Provide f or taxation of 10 percent on the sale of adult use cannabis by dispensari­es in addition to usual sales taxes and require that all monies collected f rom the 10 percent tax levied to be deposited into the adult use tax f und and quarterly distribute­d as f ollows: 36 percent to the cannabis social equity and jobs f und; 36 percent to the host community cannabis f acilities f und; 25 percent to the substance abuse and addiction f und; and three percent to the division of cannabis control and tax commission f und.

If passed, the law will become effective 30 days af ter the election.

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