Dayton Daily News

Is 70 the new 65? Many forced to work longer

- By Mark Garro Wealth of Geeks

The average U.S. retirement age has increased to 61, from 57 in the 1990s, according to a recent Gallup poll.

Previous generation­s looked forward to winding down their work lives in their mid-60s, but Gallup reports many are staying in the labor force longer than they anticipate­d.

The mounting costs of living, dwindling savings, uncertain Social Security benefits, and a volatile job market are forcing many to rethink their retirement plans.

The situation does not just raise economic concerns; it sparks a deeper conversati­on about how Americans envision their golden years. This unsettling shift has implicatio­ns for the aging workforce and all generation­s to come.

The retirement reality shift

For the last four decades, the full retirement age for Americans has been gradually increasing from 65 to 67 years. Consequent­ly, anyone born after 1960 can anticipate that their golden years might not begin at 65. What may come as a shock to some is just how geared current legislatio­n is toward pushing workers to delay their retirement into their later life.

The Social Security Administra­tion’s (SSA) latest rules make it possible to retire as early as age 62, regardless of the full retirement age. However, there’s a catch. Any worker who begins receiving benefits at age 62 or any time before their full retirement age of 67 may see a reduction in their benefit amount — up to 30%. Thanks to delayed retirement credits, remaining in the workforce up to age 70 can result in higher benefits paid going forward.

Financial, physical, emotional impacts

This trend is not just a personal choice but often a financial necessity driven by insufficie­nt retirement savings, rising healthcare costs and increased life expectancy. Estimates by the National Council on Aging reveal that eight out of 10 households with seniors are either facing financial difficulti­es or will be vulnerable to economic instabilit­y as they grow older.

Working involuntar­ily into one’s later years has been linked to a range of health issues. In 2021, the National Library of Medicine conducted a systematic review exploring literature published over the last two decades on the health effects of employment in those over 64 years of age. While delaying retirement, particular­ly on a part-time basis, showed evidence of beneficial effects, this was primarily with men in low-demand jobs.

On the contrary, those forced to continue working full-time for financial reasons, particular­ly in high-demand and low-reward jobs, were far more likely to experience adverse effects on physical and mental health.

A critical lifeline

It would be remiss to underestim­ate the role of Social Security in safeguardi­ng financial stability. For most Americans, it serves as a fundamenta­l income layer upon which to construct retirement plans. It also offers vital protection for disabled workers and families who lose their primary earners.

It is estimated that 97% of older Americans either currently receive or will eventually qualify for benefits. Furthermor­e, for many beneficiar­ies, Social Security is their primary income source. SSA data reveals that nearly half of retirees depend on Social Security for at least half of their income. For one in every seven retirees, this figure surges to 90%.

Unlike most private pensions or annuities, Social Security also adjusts its benefits for inflation. Without these adjustment­s, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that nearly 40% of seniors 65 and older would fall below the poverty line. In other words, Social Security benefits elevate over 15 million older Americans above the poverty threshold.

A concerning outlook

Current and future administra­tions have a major challenge ahead as Social Security and Medicare programs face significan­t financing issues. The latest annual report from the SSA Board of Trustees forecasts that the current form of scheduled benefits will only be fully payable until 2033. After that time, reserves of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund will be depleted. Consequent­ly, future estimates of income for the fund will only be sufficient to cover 77% of scheduled benefits.

Against this backdrop, the SSA has renewed discussion­s of increasing the full retirement age to 70, which would effectivel­y cut currently scheduled benefits by nearly 20%.

Eric Henderson, president of Nationwide Financial’s Annuity business segment, has some advice for those close to retirement age: “The best thing those nearing retirement can do is to work with an advisor to choose the right time to claim benefits. This is a decision with huge implicatio­ns for income over the course of retirement — which for many people could be 25-30 years or longer. It’s also worth having a conversati­on with an advisor about how you may be able to leverage the money you have saved, including your 401(k) plan, to create a predictabl­e stream of income.”

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