Detroit Free Press

Pope open to helping Ukrainian kids return

Would do all that’s ‘humanly possible’ to reunite families

- Nicole Winfield

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE – Pope Francis said Sunday the Vatican was willing to help facilitate the return of Ukrainian children taken to Russia during the war, saying the Holy See had already helped mediate some prisoner exchanges and would do “all that is humanly possible” to reunite families.

“All human gestures help. Gestures of cruelty don’t help,” Francis said during an airborne press conference en route home from Hungary.

Francis also revealed a secret peace “mission” was underway. However, he gave no details when asked whether he spoke about peace initiative­s during his talks in Budapest this weekend with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban or the representa­tive of the Russian Orthodox Church in Hungary.

“I’m available to do anything,” Francis said. The Internatio­nal Criminal Court last month issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia’s children’s commission­er, accusing them of war crimes for abducting children from Ukraine.

Russia has denied any wrongdoing, contending the children were moved for their safety.

Last week Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal met with Francis at the Vatican and asked him to help return Ukrainian children taken following the Russian invasion.

“I asked His Holiness to help us return home Ukrainians, Ukrainian children who are detained, arrested, and criminally deported to Russia,” Shmyhal told the Foreign Press Associatio­n after the audience.

Francis recalled that the Holy See had facilitate­d some prisoner exchanges, working through embassies, and was open to Ukraine’s request.

“The Holy See is available to do it because it’s the right thing,” he added. “We have to do all that is humanly possible.”

AP religion coverage receives support through the AP’s collaborat­ion with The Conversati­on US, with funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. The AP is solely responsibl­e for this content.

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