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How to use Artificial Intelligen­ce to better your life

- Tech Talk Kim Komando

Think of artificial intelligen­ce as a digital Swiss Army Knife. It’s sharp, versatile and surprising­ly handy. It sounds overwhelmi­ng if you’ve never tried ChatGPT, Bard, or any other big options. Trust me when I say if you can use Google, you can use AI. Ditch the “too techy” excuses, and h let’s get hands-on with this game changer. I’ve got ideas for small business owners, students, parents, those looking for love online and more.

First things first

You don’t need a Batcave full of robots to join the AI party. If you’re not sure how to even access these tools, I have your back:

ChatGPT: Use it on the web or h download it for iPhone or Android. You need to create an account. The free tier works for most people, or you can pay $20 a month for the latest version of the tech, priority access and additional tools.

Google Bard: Use it on the web h for free, if you have a Google account.

Microsoft Copilot: Use it on h

Chrome or Edge at You need an active Microsoft account.

Perplexity: Free access online h here. There’s a $20 per month Pro plan if you want to be able to upload images and get access to smart AI.

Bonus: Sign up for newsletter­s like mine (shameless plug: where I always share AI tips, tricks, links and shortcuts.

So, what do I do with AI?

Glad you asked. If you can think of it, an AI can probably do it. Here are some uses to get you started.

Data whisperer: Data can be a mountain of gibberish, but AI easily climbs it. Imagine it analyzing your side hustle’s sales figures and revealing hidden patterns. Maybe your bestsellin­g product needs a bigger online

presence – or a targeted ad campaign since you sell like crazy to folks in Minnesota. Sweet, data-driven insights without all the work.

Try it: “Analyze this data to find h any patterns I should know about.” The more detail you can add about your company and what you’re looking for, the better. Just be sure you’re not disclosing anything confidenti­al.

Content creation concierge: Struggling to write website copy? AI can craft compelling website copy, thorough product descriptio­ns, and witty social media posts, and it can even turn your blog post into bitesized social media posts.

Try it: “Here are the specs for my h product. Please write a descriptio­n I can use to sell it on Amazon following current best practices.”

Help me sell my services: Not everyone is a wordsmith, and it takes a lot of time and effort to figure out what to put on profession­al pages. Trade workers, this one is great for you.

Try it: “I’m a plumber in Phoenix. h

Please help me write about my company and what I offer for my Yelp page.”

Brainstorm­ing buddy: Stuck in a marketing rut? AI can be your idea machine. Feed keywords related to your business, and watch as it spits out creative campaign concepts.

Try it: I’m starting a new podcast. h

You are a marketing guru I hired to help me with a plan to get the word out. Where should we start?”

Find a date: Most people are blank, staring at that dating profile screen. It’s hard to talk about ourselves! Instead of going too serious, over the top, or self-deprecatin­g, see what AI comes up with.

Try it: “I need to create a dating h profile. Can you ask me some questions to figure out what it should say about myself and what I’m looking for?”

Automate the mundane: One thing AI is best for is making tedious tasks quick and easy. Think data entry and scheduling.

Try it: “Format the data below h into a spreadshee­t that includes X, Y and Z.”

Get more bang for your buck: Remember that blog post you wrote? AI can transform it into an investorfr­iendly email by summarizin­g key points and highlighti­ng your business’s strengths. No need to reinvent the wheel. Let AI make the most of your existing content.

Try it: “Turn this list of bullet h points into a script for an entertaini­ng, informativ­e YouTube video that appeals to women 25 to 35.”

Make sense of a busy week: When there’s a lot on your plate, even organizing it all can be overwhelmi­ng. You can use AI as a free assistant to make things easier for you.

Try it: “This week I have to work 8 h to 5 every day, take the kids to soccer practice on Tuesday at 5:30 and find time to run three times because I’m training for a 5K. Can you help me create a schedule I can stick to?”

Learn about all the latest technology on the Kim Komando Show, the nation’s largest weekend radio talk show. Kim takes calls and dispenses advice on today’s digital lifestyle, from smartphone­s and tablets to online privacy and data hacks. For her daily tips, free newsletter­s and more, visit her website.

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GETTY IMAGES Will AI-as-a-Service be the next killer app?

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