Detroit Free Press

Entire ‘Where Secrets Go To Die’ podcast now free

- Darcie Moran Detroit Free Press USA TODAY NETWORK

The entire “Where Secrets Go To Die: The Disappeara­nce of Derrick Henagan” podcast is now free for all listeners at, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

The Free Press on Tuesday released its eighth and final episode for free listening. Free Press subscriber­s got early access to the entire eight-episode podcast and special content, but the news agency has been slowly making episodes free to nonsubscri­bers.

The podcast follows investigat­ive journalist John Wisely as he investigat­es the 2008 missing person case of Derrick Henagan in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

The journey started when a young woman called the Free Press concerned her father — a Michigan State Police trooper — could be involved in some criminal misdeeds in the U.P. Wisely found himself traveling hundreds of miles, reading thousands of pages of documents and investigat­ing not only a disappeara­nce but disturbing reports on a small town’s police culture.

Wisely takes listeners along for the ride, searching the woods with a cadaver dog, knocking on suspects’ doors, pulling jailhouse videos, and comparing different copies of the same police report with “aha!” takeaways. He finds surprising moves by the Michigan State Police along with sex, drugs and other local secrets.

Episode 8: The Empty Grave

Dyanna Maddox appears in court on felony charges that could send her to prison for years.

In this final episode, reporter John Wisely hears from Dyanna herself. Meghan Moeggenbor­g ponders her father’s legacy and what she plans to do about it. A person very close to Derrick also emerges and longs for a simple, though specific, outcome to the Henagan case.

To read about some of our findings or see video and photos in the case, check out our podcast web page. Subscriber­s can also use the landing page to access special content, including key documents in our investigat­ion.

Join our Reddit AMA on Thursday!

Now that all of “Where Secrets Go To Die: The Disappeara­nce of Derrick Henagan” is available wherever you get your podcasts, here’s your chance to talk to host John Wisely about the podcast, the case and more.

Join us at 1 p.m. Thursday on the r/TrueCrimeP­odcasts subreddit for a special Reddit “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) with Wisely. You can start submitting your questions now!

Contact us: 248-702-4092 or through encrypted email at

 ?? CODY SCANLAN/HOLLAND SENTINEL ?? Rayce Henagan holds a family portrait on March 18, 2023, in his Kalamazoo home. Henagan was nearly 6 years old when his father, Derrick, disappeare­d from the Upper Peninsula.
CODY SCANLAN/HOLLAND SENTINEL Rayce Henagan holds a family portrait on March 18, 2023, in his Kalamazoo home. Henagan was nearly 6 years old when his father, Derrick, disappeare­d from the Upper Peninsula.
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