Diesel World



SEMA Truck

Titan Tanks had a SEMA spot open up last minute, as the builder slotted for that spot wasn’t going to have a completed truck in time for the show. Patience had a nice 2012 Ford F-350, which he used for hauling duties at Titan and at home, which was prime for a refresh. It only made sense to make the shop tow rig into an even better hauler and shiny show truck to fill the empty SEMA spot.

Patience and Titan Tanks do a few custom builds a year and have some solid industry connection­s. Repeat sponsors know their word is gold, and they are always ready to help at a moment’s notice. Even with industry cred and a strong portfolio it was impressive for this build’s sponsors to come through with such an insane deadline, especially as many of them had their own SEMA projects to button up.

The truck was displayed front and center on the bridge in front of the annual SEMA Show in Las Vegas. This spot gets lots of traffic and is reserved for some of the top builds at the event, a high honor with all the incredible vehicles at the show.

 ??  ?? Doing what Patience uses the truck for regularly and what it does best: hauling loads all over the country, like this compound-turbo Colorado seen previously in the pages of Diesel World.
Doing what Patience uses the truck for regularly and what it does best: hauling loads all over the country, like this compound-turbo Colorado seen previously in the pages of Diesel World.

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