
Welcome to the How We Do It issue.


A few months ago, our magazine team was on a big Zoom call and the question came up: How do we do it?

No matter how I’ve done it, I’ve shared it. I’m not very good at keeping things inside. I like to listen; I like to learn; I like to be open-minded and hunt for true answers to burning questions. I like to make sure I’m openhearte­d enough to hear something when I least expect it and give it the potential to enhance my life.

The answer to How do you do it? is different for everyone, yet there are some universal truths and connectors. In this issue, I take you through a day in my life and get very specific with the numerical balance sheet that helps me navigate through. I really wanted to share that with you.

No matter your style — or your upbringing or values — one thing connects us: We are here alive on this planet today. And right now some of us are even reading the same magazine. Hello, everybody!

Isn’t that cool? At this very moment, this issue is like a butterfly net, scooping us all into some sort of shared experience. Maybe you’ll take away a new morning routine from one of my favorite trainers, Marnie Alton, or plan a friends trip to Italy like I did. Perhaps you’ll find the life hacks from Gayle King, Marie Kondo, and Danny Seo as insightful and inspiring as I do! Maybe you’ll make Jocelyn Delk Adams’ amazing popcorn for a night on the couch in your sweatpants or try a new hobby.

Nothing in here is the “right” way to do it. It’s all just insight into how all sorts of people are doing it all across the country. I’m thrilled we can put it here in our magazine. If even one of these ideas speaks to you, I’m so happy.

P.S. to our publishers,

Thank you for having us to the party. It’s been my life’s dream to make a magazine. I’m so proud we’re doing it together!

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