
Balanced Stay

Comedian, actress, and publisher reveals her secret sauce for self-care.

- @dopequeenp­heebs @tinyrepboo­ks.

Playing Tennis

I’ve been a lifelong fan of tennis but never played until Serena announced her retirement from the sport and I thought, “This is my moment to get in there!” Kidding! But I’ve always wanted to play tennis, and after taking a couple of lessons while on vacation over the summer, I fell in love. I play about two or three times a week, and I do it first thing in the morning. Those early hours are typically the only hours I have to myself, and the gift of movement is so special.


What a surprise that someone who has their own imprint loves to read! But seriously, reading can challenge you; help you see the world in a different way; make you laugh, cry, and feel all the feels. What a gift it is to be able to grow as a human/be reminded of your humanity by reading a book.

Having Dinner With Friends

COVID reminded everyone that breaking bread with friends should not be taken for granted. I love going out to one-on-one dinners with friends and having people over at my place, where we order takeout and do karaoke (something I’m sure my neighbors do not love). Spending time with people I care about makes life easier and more enjoyable and always refuels me.




I was a big traveler both stateside and internatio­nally pre-COVID, and now I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things. Whether I’m going to Africa for work or Los Angeles for a friend’s birthday party, traveling is my favorite way to experience the world and learn. It reminds me how small — and how connected — we actually are. Also, I love to find little nuggets. Like the best tacos I’ve ever had? In Copenhagen in 2018. Who would’ve guessed? I think about those tacos once a month.

Calling Family and Friends

Yes, texting is easier and faster, and you can multitask — but it is also hella impersonal. Hearing someone’s voice is both soothing and exciting. Undeniable magic can happen when you talk to someone as opposed to firing off a text.

You can go on tangents, remind yourself that you’re not alone, feel and send love. It’s the best!

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Spending time with people I care about makes life easier and more enjoyable.

Make Time for Me Time Sometimes we forget that the same way we plan out our day, plan out our work schedule, plan out our kid’s schedule, we have to plan time to cultivate our own emotional and mental wellbeing. And when

I say plan, I mean write it down — think about where in your day time for yourself fits and schedule it. The same way you would say to yourself, “I need to be at the school to pick up my kids at 3,” you need to say, “Between 1 and 2, I am doing this for myself.” This is such a big thing, and a lot of people don’t do it.

Let people in your life know that you’re doing what you have to do to make sure you’re doing well. Be OK with setting boundaries and don’t let anyone compromise those boundaries — not your mom, your kids, or anyone else.

Look at your life with a critical eye and be honest about the things you don’t have that you feel you deserve. Once you get clear about the things you need and deserve, write them down. That way, they become easier to communicat­e.

For instance, when my kids were still younger and living in the house, I knew I wasn’t getting enough time for me to just watch TV, which is something I love. And I knew that I deserve a moment of watching TV. I knew that I also deserved a moment of pampering, which I wasn’t getting. I knew that I deserved someone who was going to ask me about my day, someone who was going to listen empathetic­ally to me. I

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