DRIFT Travel magazine

CUBAN CIGARS – Tasting Tips and Etiquette


Select: When choosing a cigar the wrapper can offer the first clue. Lighter wrappers generally indicate a milder flavor with darker wrappers offering a more full-bodied smoke. When squeezed, a cigar should give slightly and then when released, spring back into its original shape without the wrapper leaf cracking As a general rule, milder cigars are more suited to earlier in the day, while the full- bodied choice is best saved to finish off a good meal or to pair with a dark rum for example.

A good cross-section of fullbodied Havanas include the Cohiba Esplendido or Robusto, a Partagás Lusitania Double Corona, the Montecrist­o No.2, Romeo y Julieta Belicoso, Bolivar

Royal Corona, an H. Upmann Monarch, a Punch Double Corona, a Romeo y Julieta Exhibicion No. 2 or the powerful Exhibicion No. 4. Before cutting and lighting, survey the wrapper for consistent color, smoothness, and sheen and savor the scent of the cigar.

Cut: Some cigar smokers swear by using one’s teeth, but it’s best to use a proper cigar cutter for the job. A good rule of thumb is to cut about 3mm from the head of the cigar. This is sufficient to give a good draw, without the risk of loosening the wrapper.

Light: Using a good quality butane lighter hold the cigar just above the flame (do not let the flame touch the cigar) at a 45-degree angle so that the heat, not the flame, causes combustion and the outer ring of the cigar is evenly lit. Rotate the cigar through the first few puffs to assure an even burn. Listen to the faint crackle as you light your cigar, the soft exhalation as you release the smoke...these are the sounds of satisfacti­on.

Savor: Roll the smoke around your mouth and enjoy the rich bouquet of varied flavors. A long solid cylinder of white ash indicates a good soil and more taste. Don’t be tempted to tap the ash, just let it fall off naturally in the ashtray. As the cigar burns down its length, the tastes and aroma will change, most likely becoming more pronounced.

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