Ducks 101

Hatching Terms


bloom: natural coating on the eggshell that helps keep air and bacteria out of the egg

Candling: process of shining a light through the eggshell to check for hairline cracks or to gauge developmen­t of a fertile egg. originally, an actual candle was used to shine light through an eggshell to determine if the embryo inside was developing properly, hence the populariza­tion of the term.

egg tooth: hard protrusion at the end of a duckling’s bill that assists in breaking through the eggshell. the egg tooth falls off shortly after the duckling hatches.

pip: the initial hole that a hatching duckling makes in the shell using its egg tooth

Zip: the process that a duckling uses to remove the top of the shell by methodical­ly tapping and breaking the shell in a circular pattern, usually at the blunt end.

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