Ducks 101


Not getting enough DUCKS


This sounds contradict­ory to Mistake No. 1, but it’s not. Sometimes, beginners start their flocks with a single duck. This is not wise.

Ducks are very social animals, not solitary ones. Getting a lone duck can pave the way for duck depression and loneliness unless it is very integrated into your human flock and isn’t left alone for long stretches of time. A way around this is to get two ducks.

It’s also helpful — although more work — to buy ducklings instead of adult ducks if you want to raise animals that are more social around people. “Baby ducks imprint on humans much better than chickens do,” Holderread says.

That’s not to say grown ducks won’t be friendly with you. It just might take more time for them to snuggle up to you and come when called.

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