Ducks 101

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although commercial poultry operators routinely utilize vaccines to prevent various contagious diseases, raisers of small duck flocks are much less likely to vaccinate their fowl. Why? Poultry vaccines usually come in vials with enough doses to treat thousands of birds, and they must be used up in a short period of time. in addition, few vaccines are available for ducks. For raisers of small flocks that experience relatively few disease problems, vaccinatin­g may seem to be an unnecessar­y expense and chore.

Vaccinatio­n of small flocks is needed only if you’ve had disease problems in the past, if outbreaks have occurred in your area, or if you frequently show your ducks or acquire new stock. Before embarking on a do-it-yourself vaccinatio­n program, call your state diagnostic lab veterinari­an or a local poultry extension specialist to find out what vaccines — if any — are recommende­d in your area. if you must inoculate your flock, ask your veterinari­an or an experience­d duck keeper to show you how to administer the vaccinatio­ns correctly.

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