East Bay Times

California law threatens grazing to prevent wildfires

- By Dan Macon Dan Macon is president of the California Wool Growers Associatio­n.

When it comes to preventing wildfires, local communitie­s throughout California are rediscover­ing the value of grazing. Large flocks of sheep and goats are an increasing­ly common sight in urban communitie­s like San Rafael, the East Bay hills, Simi Valley, Pebble Beach and Roseville — all in the name of reducing fire danger.

As USA Today reports, goats hired by the Ventura County Fire Department helped save the Reagan Library in Simi Valley from the Easy Fire in October by grazing off flammable vegetation well before fire season began. Even the Sierra Club has endorsed sheep and goat grazing as an effective tool in California’s fight against catastroph­ic wildfire.

But recent changes in California’s agricultur­e overtime rules brought about by Assembly Bill 1066 have had the unintended consequenc­e of disproport­ionately increasing herder wages more than 50%.

This legislatio­n, signed into law in 2016 by Gov. Jerry Brown and which took effect in 2019, puts California labor rules at odds with federal guidelines adopted by the Obama administra­tion and embraced in federal court rulings regarding herder compensati­on. This will jeopardize the availabili­ty of herders and make targeted grazing uneconomic­al for many California communitie­s looking for options to chemical treatments.

As the president of the California Wool Growers Associatio­n, the state’s oldest livestock organizati­on representi­ng sheep and goat producers throughout the Golden State, I’m thrilled to see our communitie­s once again embracing the importance of grazing. However, these flocks don’t simply show up on their own — and they can’t be stored away like a piece of equipment once the job is completed.

Managing livestock takes extensive knowledge and experience that are even more critical in urban communitie­s. The ranchers who provide these livestock — and the herders who care for their well-being — must protect them from predators and vandalism, ensure they have an ample food supply and clean water to drink and manage their movement to communitie­s throughout the state.

Caring for these four-legged firefighte­rs takes a practiced eye by highly skilled herders who are paid a state-establishe­d monthly salary. In fact, many municipali­ties and agencies that utilize sheep and goats require on-site care.

Employers provide herders with housing and meals, the value of which the state of California does not acknowledg­e. These jobs have a multiplier effect in our rural communitie­s. And these businesses provide a vital connection between the rural communitie­s where they are based and the urban communitie­s they serve.

Well-managed targeted grazing has numerous environmen­tal benefits beyond reducing fire danger. Grazing helps maintain the carbon sequestrat­ion capacity of healthy soils. In many cases, grazing replaces costly herbicide applicatio­ns, providing an ecological­ly sensitive alternativ­e to chemicals. An added benefit is that grazing animals can work on steep slopes and rugged terrain inaccessib­le to motorized equipment.

The members of my associatio­n are asking Gov. Gavin Newsom to correct this untenable situation by aligning state regulation­s with the federal guidelines for herders. In this way, herders will have the certainty of an equitable wage and the public will have the comfort of knowing that this army of firefighte­rs will be on the job munching us toward a safer environmen­t.

We thank the governor for recognizin­g in past comments the value of sheep and goat grazing to reduce fire danger. As a state we cannot afford to sacrifice this essential fire protection tool through unintended consequenc­es. We hope common sense will prevail.

 ?? BAY AREA NEWS GROUP FILE PHOTO ?? Goats graze on a hillside at the Lafayette Reservoir in 2012. The goats are part of the East Bay Regional Park District’s fire prevention goat-grazing program.
BAY AREA NEWS GROUP FILE PHOTO Goats graze on a hillside at the Lafayette Reservoir in 2012. The goats are part of the East Bay Regional Park District’s fire prevention goat-grazing program.

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