East Bay Times

COVID-19 is a cataclysm of hunger, disease and illiteracy

- By Nicholas D. Kristof Nicholas D. Kristof is a New York Times columnist.

We think of COVID-19 as killing primarily the elderly around the world, but in poor countries it is more cataclysmi­c than that.

It is killing children through malnutriti­on. It is leading more people to die from tuberculos­is, malaria and AIDS. It is setting back efforts to eradicate polio, fight malaria and reduce female genital mutilation. The U.N. Population Fund warns that COVID-19 may lead to an additional 13 million child marriages around the world and to some 47 million women being unable to get access to modern contracept­ion.

In short, a pandemic of disease, illiteracy and extreme poverty is following on the heels of this coronaviru­s pandemic — and it is hitting children hardest.

Many schools and clinics are closed, medicines for AIDS and other ailments are sometimes unavailabl­e, and campaigns against malaria and genital mutilation are often suspended.

“The indirect impact of COVID-19 in the Global South will be even greater than the direct impact,” Dr. Muhammad Musa, executive director of BRAC Internatio­nal, an outstandin­g Bangladesh­based nonprofit, told me.

In this sense, many of those whom COVID-19 kills never actually get the disease. Instead, they are children who die of measles because they couldn’t get vaccinated in a time of plague — up to 80 million children may miss vaccinatio­ns. Or they die of malnutriti­on because their fathers lost jobs as rickshaw drivers or their mothers couldn’t sell vegetables in the market.

The burden falls particular­ly on girls. More are being married off as children so that the new husband’s family will feed them, or they are sent off to the city to work as maids in exchange for food and negligible incomes.

“The major challenge being faced by students is hunger,” said Angeline Murimirwa, executive director for Africa of Camfed Internatio­nal, which supports girls’ education in developing countries.

About 4% of girls in Zimbabwe married by 14. That figure may worsen.

Bill Gates and others are calling on Congress to include $4 billion in the next American stimulus package to help ensure that everyone worldwide can get vaccinated for the coronaviru­s. Don’t think of that as charity, but as an investment in global health security.

But, so far, rich countries have mostly been self-absorbed and smallminde­d, not considerin­g that a distant outbreak can again cross their own borders. A U.N. appeal for $10 billion for COVID-19 response has raised only about a quarter of that.

At the turn of each year recently, I’ve written a column arguing that the previous year was the best in human history, based on such metrics as the risk that a child will die or remain illiterate. I won’t be able to write such a column this winter.

I asked Mark Lowcock, the United Nations’ humanitari­an chief, if COVID-19 is a setback for that era of progress, or a bookend.

“At a minimum this is going to be a significan­t blip,” he said. “If we’re not careful, it’s going to be worse than a blip. It could knock back for decades some of the progress that has been made.”

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