East Bay Times

Constituti­on is protecting us from authoritar­ianism

- By George Skelton George Skelton is a Los Angeles Times columnist. © 2021 Los Angeles Times. Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency.

We Americans are not particular­ly exceptiona­l when compared with other people in the world. What makes our country great is a Constituti­on that provides us with liberty, democracy and opportunit­y.

It’s not that simple, of course. Americans still must respect and adhere to the document to make it work in real life. And the results aren’t always perfect.

But without the Constituti­on’s safeguards, we long ago could have followed other countries into fascist or communist totalitari­anism. Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia come to mind.

That’s my view, anyway. And it has been since I was a kid and started looking around at my fellow countrymen. Some seemed like frightened sheep with no backbone, others like bullies and bigots — the kind that could be conned and aroused by an ambitious demagogue such as Donald Trump or (fill in the dictator).

But I’m merely a layman political junkie. I called some constituti­onal scholars and asked them.

“Any society has people with a strong authoritar­ian impulse,” said Erwin Chemerinsk­y, dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law. “What the Constituti­on does is create guardrails.

“The guardrails were really tested this time. And they worked. This has been the most serious challenge to our democracy the country has ever seen.”

“It’s not American exceptiona­lism” that protects democracy, Chemerinsk­y added. “Too many countries in the world have gone authoritar­ian, and it could happen here. All democracie­s, including America’s, are fragile. We depend on the good faith of the people who govern.”

Clearly, throughout his four-year term, we could not depend on the good faith of President Trump, who last week incited the violent storming of the U. S. Capitol, a riot that cost at least five lives.

“You’ll never take back our country with weakness,” Trump declared, firing up the rioters at a rally and launching their attack. “You have to show strength, have to be strong.”

Trump defiled the presidency and embarrasse­d the country he promised to restore to greatness. It didn’t need restoring; it requires every president to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constituti­on. Instead, Trump tried to erode it and bamboozled 74 million Americans — including 6 million California­ns — into voting for his reelection.

“I don’t think there is any inherent difference between people in the U.S. and the people who were in Germany” and enabled the Nazis, Chemerinsk­y said. “It could happen. All we can do is create a structure of government that makes it as unlikely as possible and rely on people to follow the law.”

I phoned Laurence Tribe, the esteemed Harvard Law School professor and constituti­onal expert.

“It’s not the language of the Constituti­on,” Tribe said. “It’s the fact we’ve had extraordin­ary people like Lincoln and FDR who have given it life.”

But he cautioned: “We could lose our way. … American exceptiona­lism is not a guarantee that will last forever.

“Even in 2020, 74 million of us followed an authoritar­ian demagogue. We could have gone in all sorts of terrible directions, and we have been saved partly by the guardrails of the Constituti­on.

“We have been fortunate over time. … We don’t accept demagogues who incite mobs to take over another branch of government.”

What Trump learned is that under the Constituti­on, the president has no power to delay elections, stop vote counting or interfere in ballot tabulation­s in any way. That’s up to the states, with a minor role granted to Congress. Much as he tried, Trump couldn’t halt mail voting.

Our president also cannot muzzle the news media, which he calls “the enemy of the people.”

“That’s what dictators always say,” Chemerinsk­y said.

My favorite constituti­onal amendment right now is the 20th. It decrees that Trump must leave the White House by noon Jan. 20.

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