East Bay Times

You can love without liking

- AEC Amy Amy Dickinson — David G. Thoele, M.D., Chicago Contact Amy Dickinson via email at askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

DsAR AMY >> After becoming a bornagain Christian, my brother seemed to feel it was his responsibi­lity to be my moral compass. He critiques my faith, my life and my family. He’s a far-right conservati­ve and weighs in on any liberal post I make in social media, apparently feeling it necessary to correct my wrong-headedness. He commented that his son’s liberal opinions weren’t valid. For most of this I just roll my eyes and ignore him.

He has now chosen to voice his disapprova­l of my daughter. Why? Because she, with a successful career and beautiful family, is gay. He stated that while he loves my child, he can’t condone her lifestyle.

As for my relationsh­ip with my brother, I’m not sure I want to get over this hurdle. I love him, I just don’t like him much right now, and I’m not sure that it’s worth maintainin­g a relationsh­ip when he keeps thumping me with his superiorit­y and his Bible.

— Seething Sister

DsAR SssTyING >> Your brother has answered this for you: You can continue to love him, while not condoning HIS lifestyle.

I gather that the majority of these connection­s happen over Facebook. The day you disengage from him, your blood pressure will return to normal. Look into how to hide, unfollow and block before “unfriendin­g” him. You can start by exploring the “snooze” function.

DsAR AMY >> “M” asked if you had any advice for aspiring journal keepers.

In my pediatric practice, I’ve noticed that many of my patients experience stress and anxiety, especially during the pandemic.

Writing in a journal has helped me, so to introduce my patients to writing, I made up a short writing exercise, the 3-Minute Mental Makeover (3MMM). I give out journals and write together with my patients using the 3MMM as a guide. To do the 3MMM, write: One: Three things you are grateful for. Be specific (“My dog when she wags her tail; My dad when he bakes cookies.”)

Two: The story of your life in six words (Example: “Born, school, work, work, work, work.”)

Three: Three wishes. (Pretend you rub a magic lamp. List your wishes.)

I have used the 3MMM with thousands of people, and many who didn’t think they could write have started a reflective writing practice.

DsARDAVID>> This is wonderful! I’m starting my own 3MMM writing practice.

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