East Bay Times

House data ready in April, states’ datainJuly


The U.S. Census Bureau is aiming to deliver the long-delayed numbers used for divvying up congressio­nal seats by the end of April, but a holdup on redistrict­ing data could disrupt several states’ abilities to redraw their own legislativ­e maps ahead of upcoming elections, an agency official said Wednesday.

The new goal for finishing data processing for the apportionm­ent numbers used for congressio­nal seats is now April 30. But a separate set of data used for redrawing districts for states and local government­s won’t be ready until after July in the most likely scenario, Kathleen Styles, a top bureau official, said during a presentati­on for the National Conference of State Legislatur­es.

The delay in the release of redistrict­ing data could be problemati­c for states that have deadlines this year for redrawing their districts. New Jersey and Virginia also have elections this year.

“This is a subject of vigorous internal debate right now,” said Styles, who added the statistica­l agency isn’t saying for now when the redistrict­ing data will be ready. “The worst thing we could do is deliver data that has question marks.”

New Jersey was prepared for such a scenario, with voters last fall approving a constituti­onal amendment that would address late-arriving redistrict­ing data. The constituti­onal amendment keeps the current legislativ­e districts for this year’s gubernator­ial and legislativ­e elections, provided a redistrict­ing commission eventually redraws the districts by March 2022. New Jersey’s primary elections are in June.

Virginia, which also has primary elections in June, is using a bipartisan commission for the first time this year to draw state districts.

After a recent meeting, some commission members acknowledg­ed the state would be unlikely to complete the process in time this year. What most likely will happen is candidates for the House of Delegates will run in the old districts this year, while state elections under the redrawn lines will be delayed until 2022 or 2023, said redistrict­ing expert Brian Cannon.

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