East Bay Times

Democrats vilified Big Pharma, but now it’s saving us

- By Marc A. Thiessen Marc A. Thiessen is a Washington Post columnist.

The end of the pandemic is finally in sight. The Food and Drug Administra­tion has approved a third coronaviru­s vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, which has partnered with its bitter rival Merck to produce 94 million doses in the next eight weeks. Together with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the J&J vaccine is expected to provide enough doses to inoculate every American adult by the end of May — two months ahead of schedule.

Not since World War II has an industry mobilized to rescue humanity in this way. So as our long national nightmare approaches its end, it’s worth reflecting on a couple of salient truths: It was the pharmaceut­ical industry Democrats demonized during the last election that saved us, while the government health experts they lionized failed us.

In 2019, the pharmaceut­ical industry was painted as public enemy No. 1. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., declared that “the pharmaceut­ical industry is the biggest bunch of crooks in this country,” and promised to “get rid of the profiteeri­ng of the drug companies.” Then-Sen. Kamala Harris said pharmaceut­ical executives “are nothing more than some high-level dope dealers” who care “about profit and not about public health.” Even then-candidate Joe Biden criticized the “greed of drug companies.”

Well, now those greedy drug companies have rescued mankind. Before COVID-19, the record for the fastest vaccine developmen­t was about four years. The drug companies did it in a matter of months, because they invested billions of dollars of those profits in developing advanced vaccine technologi­es. The mRNA technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines had been developed a decade earlier to treat cancer and other illnesses. It took Moderna scientists just two days to create the mRNA sequences to fight COVID-19 and just over a month more to begin the first trials. Moderna has already created a possible booster against the variant first identified in South Africa. As the virus mutates, pharmaceut­ical companies will likely be able to adapt to new variants and create new boosters in months.

This is nothing short of a medical miracle, and every American should be grateful for the innovative free enterprise system that produced it. Government helped, to be sure, thanks to Operation Warp Speed. But it did so by enabling the private sector — assuming the risk of vaccine developmen­t by promising to buy hundreds of millions of doses before the vaccines were proven. But that public health achievemen­t was made necessary by three catastroph­ic mistakes public health officials made in the early days of the pandemic that enabled the spread of COVID-19 across the United States.

First, government scientists relied on a flu surveillan­ce system that failed to detect the spread of COVID-19. They were looking for a spike in patients presenting with flu-like symptoms at hospitals, but because many of those infected with COVID-19 were asymptomat­ic, they were not picked up by this monitoring.

Second, they bungled the developmen­t of a diagnostic test for COVID-19.

They thought the virus was not spreading when, in fact, it was spreading like wildfire. This is why Dr. Anthony Fauci kept telling us there was nothing to worry about. On Feb. 17, 2020, he told USA Today that people should be more worried about the “real and present danger” of seasonal flu. On Feb. 29, he said, “there is no need to change anything that you’re doing.” On March 9, he advised that “If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship.” On March 10, Fauci was adamant that “as a nation, the risk is relatively low.” That was wrong.

Then there was the third calamitous mistake: They told us not to wear masks. In a March 8 “60 Minutes” interview, Fauci said “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask” because while masks “might make people feel better,” they could actually make you sick because “people keep fiddling with the mask and touching their face.” It was not until April 3 that the CDC recommende­d masks.

If the government had not made these failures of detection, testing and masking, thousands of lives, and millions of jobs, might have been spared. So, government made the pandemic worse, while the private sector saved us from it. Something to think about when you get your inoculatio­n.

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