East Bay Times

Help scarce for kids who’ve lost parent to COVID

Experts: Shadow pandemic taking shape among bereaved children


Five months after her husband died of COVID-19, Valerie Villegas can see how grief has wounded her children.

Nicholas, the baby, who was 1 and almost weaned when his father died, now wants to nurse at all hours and calls every tall, dark-haired man “Dada,” the only word he knows. Robert, 3, regularly collapses into furious tantrums, stopped using the big-boy toilet and frets about sick people giving him germs. Ayden, 5, recently announced it’s his job to “be strong” and protect his mom and brothers.

Her older kids — Kai Flores, 13, Andrew Vaiz, 16, and Alexis Vaiz, 18 — are often quiet and sad or angry and sad, depending on the day. The two eldest, gripped by anxiety, were prescribed antidepres­sants soon after losing their stepfather.

“I spend half the nights crying,” said Villegas, 41, a hospice nurse from Portland, Texas. She became a widow on Jan. 25, just three weeks after Robert Villegas, 45, a strong, healthy truck driver and jiujitsu expert, tested positive for the virus.

“My kids, they’re my primary concern,” she said. “And there’s help that we need.”

But in a nation where researcher­s calculate that more than 46,000 children have lost one or both parents to COVID-19 since February 2020, Villegas and other survivors say finding basic services for their bereaved kids — counseling, peer support groups, financial assistance — has been difficult, if not impossible.

“They say it’s out there,” Villegas said. “But trying to get it has been a nightmare.”

Interviews with nearly two dozen researcher­s, therapists and other experts on loss and grief, as well as families whose loved ones died of COVID-19, reveal the extent to which access to grief groups and therapists grew scarce during the

pandemic. Providers scrambled to switch from in-person to virtual visits and waiting lists swelled, often leaving bereft children and their surviving parents to cope on their own.

“Losing a parent is devastatin­g to a child,” said Alyssa Label, a San Diego therapist and program manager with SmartCare Behavioral Health Consultati­on Services. “Losing a parent during a pandemic is a special form of torture.”

There’s been no organized effort to identify, track or support the tens of thousands of kids left bereaved by COVID-19.

“I’m not aware of any group working on this,” said Joyal Mulheron, the founder of Evermore, a nonprofit foundation that focuses on public policy related to bereavemen­t. “Because the scale of the problem is so huge, the scale of the solution needs to match it.”

COVID-19 has claimed more than 600,000 lives in the U.S., and researcher­s writing in the journal JAMA Pediatrics calculated that for every 13 deaths caused by the virus, one child under 18 has lost a parent. As of June 15, that would translate into more than 46,000 kids, researcher­s estimated. Threequart­ers of the children are adolescent­s; the others are under age 10.

“There’s this shadow pandemic,” said Rachel Kidman, an associate professor at Stony Brook University in New York, who was part of the team that found a way to calculate the impact of COVID-19 deaths. “There’s a huge amount of children who have been bereaved.”

Failing to address the growing number of bereaved children could have long-lasting effects, researcher­s said. The loss of a parent in childhood has been linked to higher risks of substance use, mental health problems, poor performanc­e in school, lower college attendance, lower employment and early death.

“Bereavemen­t is the most common stress and the most stressful thing people go through in their lives,” said clinical psychologi­st Christophe­r Layne of the UCLA/ Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress.

Perhaps 10% to 15% of children and others bereaved by COVID-19 might meet the criteria of a new diagnosis, prolonged grief disorder, which can occur when people have specific, long-lasting responses to the death of a loved one. That could mean thousands of children with symptoms that warrant clinical care. “This is literally a national, very public health emergency,” Layne said.

Villegas and others say they have been left largely on their own to navigate a confusing patchwork of community services for their children even as they struggle with their own grief.

“I called the counselor at school. She gave me a few little resources on books and stuff,” Villegas said. “I called some crisis hotline. I called counseling places, but they couldn’t help because they had waiting lists and needed insurance. My kids lost their insurance when their dad died.”

The social disruption and isolation caused by the pandemic overwhelme­d grief care providers, too. Across the U.S., nonprofit agencies that specialize in childhood grief said they have scrambled to meet the need and to switch from in-person to virtual engagement.

Jamie Stacy, 42, of San Jose was connected with an online counselor for her daughter, Grace, 8, and twin sons, Liam and Colm, 6, after their father, Ed Stacy, died of COVID-19 in March 2020 at age 52. Only then did she learn that children can grieve differentl­y than adults. They tend to focus on concrete concerns, such as where they will live and whether their favorite toys or pets will be there. They often alternate periods of play with sadness, cycling rapidly between confrontin­g and avoiding their feelings of loss.

“The boys will be playing Legos, having a great time, and all of a sudden drop a bomb on you: ‘I know how I can see Daddy again. I just have to die, and I’ll see Daddy again,’ ” she said. “And then they’re back to playing Legos.”

Stacy said counseling has been crucial in helping her family navigate a world where many people are marking the end of the pandemic. “We can’t escape the topic of COVID-19 even for one day,” she said. “It’s always in our face, wherever we go, a reminder of our painful loss.”

Kaiser Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at Kaiser Family Foundation. KFF is an endowed nonprofit organizati­on providing informatio­n on health issues to the nation.

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