East Bay Times

Why does Gilroy cat avoid her favorite sleeping spot?

- Joan Morris Columnist Contact Joan Morris at jmorris@ bayareanew­sgroup.com.

DEAR JOAN >> My 10-year-old cat recently had a urinary tract infection, which has been fixed. During this time she had an issue and urinated uncontroll­ably on the top of her cat tower.

I have tried to clean it the best I can, but she refuses to go to the top. She used to sleep the afternoon away there. I’m not sure if there is a smell she detects, or if it’s the negative experience she had. Thank you for any advice. — M. Adams,


DEAR M. >> With cats, it could be any number of things including just wanting a change of favorite napping spots. The two possibilit­ies you suggest — the smell and the experience — are two very likely reasons.

Nobody, not even cats, likes the smell of cat urine. It is extremely potent and serves as a vivid olfactory sign that marks a territory. It gets stronger as it sits for a while and bacteria grows, which means pee needs to be cleaned quickly.

If you manage to rid the scratching post of the urine, the cat can still have bad associatio­ns with the offending area.

When cats have urinary tract issues, they often pee outside their litter boxes because they associate the box with the pain. That memory might be lingering.

The best cleaning solution is one with enzymatic properties, which are included in various commercial pet urine cleaners, or you can make your own with one part white or apple cider vinegar to one part water. Spray the area well, then let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes before rinsing it with cool water. Don’t use hot water as that sets the stain.

Try cleaning the area again, then use treats to lure the cat to the top, or rub the area with catnip. If that doesn’t work, you might need to replace the cover and padding. And if that doesn’t work, you might have to purchase a new cat tree. You also can wait it out, letting the cat sleep where she wants. She might one day decide she’s willing to give it another chance.

DEAR JOAN >> For the past few years, I’ve been enjoying drives up Mt. Hamilton Road to get a glimpse of the herds of awesome tarantulas out and about along the roadway.

I’ve gone at the same time every year — late afternoon in mid-October. I used to see anywhere from 10 to 20 per trip, but over the years, it dwindled down to just two or three. Over the last two years, I haven’t seen any at all.

Am I missing the right time, or is this another sign that our climate change is drasticall­y affecting nature? — David Albert, San Jose

DEAR DAVID >> There’s been a lot of discussion among experts about whether climate change, along with the drought, is affecting wildlife, including tarantulas. The answer is yes, it is, but the extent that it has changed mating times still is unknown.

Some states are reporting fewer tarantulas, but their numbers appear fairly steady in Northern California. Next year, you might try going a little earlier, maybe a week after the official arrival of fall. Mid-to-late October is the end of mating season, which might be why you’re seeing so few.

Nature is predictabl­e, but global and local changes stir things up.

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