East Bay Times

What exactly are the rules for a pandemic Halloween?

- By Nicholas Goldberg Nicholas Goldberg is a Los Angeles Times associate editor columnist. © 2021 Los Angeles Times. Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency.

I live on one of those Los Angeles streets where kids and their families come from all around the city to trick or treat. On a typical Halloween, we buy a couple hundred dollars’ worth of candy and we have a nonstop line in front of our door from 6 p.m. until 9.

Sometimes the crowds are so thick that we become like assembly line workers, rotely and mechanical­ly dispensing the contents of bag after bag to whoever appears in front of us.

But this year, I don’t know what to do.

Is there going to be a massive Halloween turnout? If they come, should we be there for them or turn our lights out and hide guiltily inside?

On the one hand, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, announced that it was fine to go trick or treating this year.

On the other hand, Dr. Fauci has never been to my street, where this year’s guidance seems impossible for us to follow. Maintain social distance, say the experts. Avoid “clustering too closely.”

That’s just not likely in my neighborho­od.

One of the things I find most disconcert­ing about this stage of the 19-monthold pandemic is that the rules no longer seem clear. In 2020 we were much more locked down, a lot less free to do as we pleased — but at least we knew what was being asked of us.

Last year, for the most part, we stayed home. We socialized only within our bubbles. We wore masks.

There was no vaccine, so we didn’t mess around.

And when Halloween came, my wife and I didn’t buy candy or throw open our doors — but it didn’t matter because no one showed up.

It was lonely last year, and I’m glad it’s over. But I do feel confused by the murky ambiguity of what’s happened since.

Today, it’s not entirely clear, at least to me, what’s safe and what’s not safe. Different cities have different rules; politician­s contradict one another; Republican­s and Democrats send inconsiste­nt messages. Schools are operating under different guidelines. Some communitie­s have mandates; others actually ban mandates.

As for individual­s, everyone seems to think that his or her own approach to pandemic safety is the right one.

I’m vaxxed. Two Pfizer shots, no booster. Last shot administer­ed six months ago. I’m 62 years old. So can I eat inside with other people? With my mask off?

Should I worry if the guy next to me on the plane isn’t wearing a mask? I did worry when it happened to me — but when I wrote about it, lots of people insisted that I was hysterical­ly overreacti­ng.

Can I hug my friends or shake their hands when I meet them on the street? These days, sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t, depending on, well, on nothing really. Maybe I should demand to see their vaccinatio­n cards first!

I feel protected by my own vaccinatio­n, but only up to a point.In Los Angeles County alone, 63,000 people have tested positive for the coronaviru­s despite being fully vaccinated, according to the L.A. County Department of Public Health. That’s a fraction of the total number of cases (unvaccinat­ed people are nearly seven times more likely to become infected and 23 times more likely to be hospitaliz­ed), but it’s enough to keep me on guard.

Maybe I should relax and enjoy Halloween, Fauci-style, since I’m immunized. But my gut tells me that vax or no vax, it’s wrong to make face-to-face contact from a foot apart with 500 or 1,000 children in a single evening — most of them unvaccinat­ed because they’re under 12. It’s not just wrong for me; it’s wrong for them too.

Frankenste­in masks and Incredible Hulk masks won’t protect any of us.

At the end of the day, I guess the only real rule is this: Figure it out for yourself. Don’t do anything foolish, take only calculated risks and protect yourself as best you can while allowing yourself a bit of leniency.

But on Halloween I either have to open the doors or keep them shut. And I’m not sure yet which it’ll be.

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