East Bay Times

Group chat leads to dilemma

- Ask Amy Amy Dickinson Contact Amy Dickinson via email, askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

DEAR AMY >> My friend “Jane” recently texted our group of girlfriend­s with informatio­n concerning another girlfriend, “Maggie.”

Jane told us all that she was using a social media dating app while out of town for business and Maggie's husband “Jed” (also out of town for business) “swiped right” on Jane.

The screenshot­s she shared with us showed that he had set up his profile to appear single.

Jane asked for advice on what to do with this. We have long suspected Jed was no good, but we also acknowledg­e this couple could have an open relationsh­ip.

Either way, we felt it best that Maggie have the informatio­n.

Jane and I don't know Maggie well, but another woman in the group, “Susan,” does.

Susan agreed to pass this informatio­n on to Maggie discreetly and tactfully. Unfortunat­ely, it's been months, and we just learned that Susan never told Maggie because it makes her uncomforta­ble.

My husband, also close with Maggie, then said that he would tell her instead.

He also hasn't followed through, citing the same reason.

I went back to the source and asked Jane to notify Maggie, and she also declined, saying it “wasn't her place.” I am starting to get antsy knowing this informatio­n is in everyone's head except Maggie's! Do I drop it?

— Fretting

DEAR FRETTING >> My first piece of advice is that you should all stop discussing this as a group.

The obvious solution would have been for “Jane” to respond to “Jed's” swipe, saying, “Dude, I know your wife!”

Otherwise, all you know is that this man is posing as an unmarried man and “swiping right” while out of town. While I agree that this is dishonest and definitely a violation of most relationsh­ip norms, this is all you know.

You might be the right person to put this to rest, because you don't have an extant relationsh­ip to protect, and it is obviously bothering you.

If you decide to contact her, you should only tell her, “A single woman I know saw `Jed's' profile on a dating app. I don't know anything more than that, but after wrestling with this dilemma, I've decided to tell you.”

Otherwise — drop it.

DEAR AMY >> I'm appalled by your response to “Stressed in the West,” asking about wedding invitation­s to her cousins who have expressed racist opinions and used racist slurs.

Racists are not “bozos.” They are hateful, ignorant and dangerous people.

The accommodat­ing view you express contribute­s to the ongoing crisis in the U.S. Racism in all forms should not be tolerated.

Yes, the decision is for the couple to make, but the bride's parents can make it very clear that they stand 100% behind their decision not to invite racists to their wedding.

DEAR LIZ >> My mistake. These cousins as described were not only “bozos.” They were racist bozos.

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