East Bay Times

Why Gov. Newsom will never be president

- By Joe Mathews Joe Mathews writes the Connecting California column for Zócalo Public Square.

If Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are going to create space for hate and human rights violations, then why should anyone complain about California Gavin Newsom creating spaces that protect the rest of us?

That's the question that should be posed to California pundits who have responded with knee-jerk cynicism to Newsom's many interventi­ons on behalf of Trump's targets. These pundits describe the governor's forays into national disputes over abortion, immigratio­n and LGBTQ rights as political ploys — performed in service of presidenti­al ambitions.

The truth is the opposite. Whether he's trumpeting a proabortio­n stance on out-of-state billboards or banning statefunde­d travel to places hostile to LGTBQ people, Newsom is actually throwing away whatever chances he might have had of being president.

Getting elected president, if you're a Democrat, is about softpedali­ng divisive issues, and building broad, diverse coalitions. That's how Barack Obama and Joe Biden won the White House. But Newsom's blasts into cultural politics divide the country and make enemies.

While picking fights with Trump and like-minded governors might be good politics, Newsom is also calling out national Democrats, including Biden, for not being combative enough. And his national battles are hurting his presidenti­al chances.

So why is Newsom, of all people, sacrificin­g his chances?

There are three possible explanatio­ns.

The first explanatio­n is that Newsom simply can't help himself.

The governor has always lacked discipline, ignoring basic rules of political communicat­ion.

He uses three big words when one short one will do. He's often a witness against himself, volunteeri­ng arguments against his own policies. He offers too many details, like an overeager waiter at his restaurant­s, telling you about all the specials, when you just want to order.

Newsom's self-indulgence has verged into personal recklessne­s — he had an affair with a top aide's wife, and dined maskless at the French Laundry during the pandemic.

That's the ugly side of Newsom's undiscipli­ne. But there is an admirable side to it, too — which leads me to the second explanatio­n. While wise politician­s try to avoid fights, Newsom tends to jump into disputes, and draw fire to himself. Why? I can't read his mind or put this child of divorce on a psychiatri­st's couch. But, reviewing his speeches, I believe that Newsom often intervenes when he feels someone needs protection.

Just go back and look at his endless budget news conference­s, where he explains almost every expenditur­e in defensive language. He is constantly protecting — the climate, the environmen­t, the homeless, children, this community, that interest group.

This protective instinct is why he's jumped into national politics. If media are going to give the Trumpists space to spew hate, attack democracy, and spread fear among women and immigrants and gay people, how can he sit on the sidelines?

His recent decision to place billboards — paid for with his own campaign money, in seven states that eliminated abortion rights — is a perfect example of the Newsomian mindset. The boards tell women that California will protect their right to bodily autonomy and to abortion. If such boards turn off Ohio and Florida voters — whom a Democratic presidenti­al contender will need someday — so what?

Let me be clear: These interventi­ons aren't heroic. Here at home, his national blasts are good politics, feeding his base. And contrary to critics who say Newsom's national forays distract from his duties to California­ns, the governor's national fights actually help him do his job. How? By keeping him in the spotlight, which has allowed him to make a public case for his wildly ambitious agenda.

But Newsom's California supremacy is poison in the other 49 states, where Americans can't accept the truth that we really do know better.

That's why Newsom is not sacrificin­g much when he sabotages his future White House prospects. A California­n doesn't have much chance at the presidency anyway. And Newsom is demographi­cally wrong for a Democratic Party that desperatel­y needs to nominate more women and people of color.

But Newsom is perfectly cast to call out while male political bullies.

And who knows? While he'll never be America's president, he still could lead a nation someday.

If our state and the rest of the country grow further apart, it's not hard to imagine Newsom as the first president of an independen­t California Republic.

 ?? DAI SUGANO — STAFF ARCHIVES ?? Gov. Gavin Newsom has always lacked discipline, ignoring basic rules of political communicat­ion.
DAI SUGANO — STAFF ARCHIVES Gov. Gavin Newsom has always lacked discipline, ignoring basic rules of political communicat­ion.

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