East Bay Times

Warning to ex's new partner

- Ask Amy Amy Dickinson — Enthusiast­ic Grandmothe­r Contact Amy Dickinson via email, askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

DEAR AMY >> I'm a woman previously in a relationsh­ip with a man for more than 10 years that ended badly.

He was married and divorced twice before and had three adult children, all of whom I loved and who loved me.

Toward the end of the relationsh­ip, I kept catching him in lies.

He finally confessed to having been addicted to serious drugs. He was in a 12-step recovery program, which I wholeheart­edly supported.

I asked how he'd gotten started, and he gave me answers that rang false, but I felt I had to accept his answers because talking about it made him angry.

I later discovered that he'd been sleeping with men without my knowledge, putting my sexual health in jeopardy. He also acknowledg­ed that he is gender-fluid, which I accepted.

Nonetheles­s, we broke up, as I felt I could not trust him to give me honest answers about our future.

He was not the man I first fell in love with. He had alienated me and his entire family. By the end of our relationsh­ip, we were barely speaking.

Fast-forward three years, and he has become involved with a woman over 40 years younger than himself who lives in Indonesia. She is Muslim, and he has said “it feels so right” to be with her.

My question: Is it my business to tell her of his past?

I doubt he will tell her he sleeps with men, as he lied to his wives just as he lied to me (as I learned too late).

If it's none of my business, I'll step aside and perhaps watch this trusting young woman's heart get broken.

What do you think?

— Learned too Late

DEAR LEARNED TOO LATE >> Yes, this is none of your business. But yes, you should tell this woman of your former partner's sexual history.

My caveat is that the presumptio­n here is that the much-younger woman is vulnerable, but who knows? — maybe he's the vulnerable one. Have these two met in person? Maybe he's being catfished by a guy named Stan who lives in Milwaukee.

If you have contact with her, you should privately pass along your concerns about her sexual health. And then you should leave it — and him — alone.

“Strange Invite” was written by a woman whose friend invited her to an out-ofstate baby shower for the friend's daughter. The writer thought this was “strange” because she did not know the pregnant honoree.

Thank you for your response that this prospectiv­e first-time grandmothe­r probably wanted to “share her joy.”

“Strange” should honor her with a “Grandma gift.”


DEAR ENTHUSIAST­IC >> Although I think most grandparen­ts already have everything they need — namely love and patience in abundance — I think this is a great idea!

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