East Bay Times

Feinstein is one of our greats. Let's remember her that way

- By Mark Z. Barabak Mark Z. Barabak is a Los Angeles Times columnist. © 2023 Los Angeles Times. Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency.

In the long arc of California history, among redwood giants like Hiram Johnson, Earl Warren, Ronald Reagan, Pat and Jerry Brown, one name stands out: Dianne Feinstein.

She is not only the state's longest-serving U.S. senator, she is one of the most meaningful and accomplish­ed lawmakers California­ns ever put in office.

It is not just her legislativ­e achievemen­ts, in areas like environmen­tal protection and gun control, that distinguis­h Feinstein's more than half-centurylon­g public career.

Just as significan­t, if not more, is the path she helped blaze for women in politics, first by seeking and winning elected office and then, once empowered, by showing that a woman could more than hold her own among the far greater number of men jostling around her.

As San Francisco mayor, a role thrust upon her by the assassinat­ion of her predecesso­r, Feinstein steadied herself and then braced the city at a time it seemed ready to slip its axis.

As a senator in Washington, she was an important voice on issues such as crime, national defense and intelligen­ce, including the CIA's detention and interrogat­ion practices, all of which were once seen as beyond the purview of a female lawmaker.

“If you go back 30, 40 years, women went on the education committee, or maybe dealt with health care. Whatever little bone was thrown their way,” said Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a retired USC political science professor and longtime student of government and California politics.

“Dianne didn't follow the typical path,” Bebitch said. “She didn't let herself get pigeonhole­d as a `woman' senator.”

The 89-year-old Feinstein made the right decision Tuesday in announcing she would stand aside and not seek reelection next year to a sixth full term. It was time.

The past few years have not been kind to Feinstein, filled as they were with repeated accounts of her obvious physical and cognitive decline. While she performed adequately enough, California deserves better. So does Feinstein.

Had she run again, she would surely have lost to one of the younger, more vigorous contestant­s lining up to replace her.

Another no less significan­t reason that Feinstein faced certain defeat is the passing of a political style and era that, to her detriment, she came to very much embody.

Never a favorite of the political left — in San Francisco she was considered a conservati­ve and, worse, mocked as a prig — Feinstein routinely infuriated fellow Democrats by reaching across the aisle to work with Republican­s.

In true fashion, she made yet another pitch for the virtues of good old-fashioned bipartisan­ship as she stood aside Tuesday.

“Even with a divided Congress, we can still pass bills that will improve lives,” Feinstein said in a written statement announcing her decision.

Worse still, performati­ve politics — the showy stunt, the devastatin­g tweet, the viral moment that have become the campaigner's coin of the realm — has never been Feinstein's way.

Even before she was kept out of sight, the senator was more apt to be found burrowed in a briefing book or plowing through a mountain of research than making news on the cable chat-show circuit.

It would be tragic and wrong, however, to remember Feinstein as some kind of relic, as if we only remembered Willie Mays — another San Francisco icon — for the final years he spent stumbling around the outfield.

“Yeah, OK, maybe she hung on too long,” said Stanford's Bruce Cain, another political scientist who followed Feinstein's career over the decades.

“But she's right up there with Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Brown in a class by themselves in their ability to keep working productive­ly over many decades and through all the changes in the political system.”

She made history in 1992 when she was elected to the Senate alongside Barbara Boxer; the two were California's first female senators.

She passed, among other legislatio­n, a landmark desert protection bill that had been stalled before she arrived and pushed through a 10-year ban on assault-style weapons in the face of fierce opposition from the National Rifle Associatio­n and its political allies. (President George W. Bush allowed the law to lapse in 2004.)

Feinstein has already made history multiple times over. Nothing that's happened in recent years will change that or take away from all that she accomplish­ed.

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