East Bay Times

Biden rolls out plan, challenges GOP to follow suit


As political gridlock puts the government at risk of defaulting, President Joe Biden on Thursday made an opening bid with a budget plan that would cut deficits by $2.9 trillion over the next decade — a proposal that Republican­s already intend to reject.

It's part of a broader attempt by the president to call out House Republican­s who are demanding severe cuts to spending in return for lifting the government's legal borrowing limit. But the GOP has no counteroff­er so far, other than a flat “no” to a Biden blueprint with tax increases on the wealthy that could form the policy backbone of Biden's yet-to-be-declared campaign for reelection in 2024.

Striding around a stage at a union training center in Philadelph­ia, Biden seemed to be in full campaign mode as he spoke about his plan for the government's finances and how his values contrasted with Republican priorities.

“I just laid out the bulk of my budget,” Biden said. “Republican­s in Congress should do the same thing. Then we can sit down and see where we disagree.”

Yet the president doubted that GOP lawmakers could make their numbers match their calls for a balanced budget and he suggested that any efforts to do so could come at the expense of middle-class families.

“How are they going to make the math work?” Biden said. “What are they going to cut?”

Biden's package of tax and spending priorities is unlikely to pass the GOP-run House or the Senate, where Democrats hold a slim edge, as proposed.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said the president's proposed deficit reduction was inadequate. “It just seems like it's going to create the biggest government in history. I don't think that's what we need at this time,” he said.

In addition to deficit reduction, Biden's 10-year budget largely revolves around the idea of taxing the wealthy to help fund programs for the middle class, older adults and families. It would raise $4.7 trillion from higher taxes, with an additional $800 billion in savings from changes to programs.

The tax increases include a reversal of the 2017 tax cuts made by President Donald Trump on people earning more than $400,000 a year.

Biden has floated a new 25% minimum tax on households worth $100 million or more. Also, the tax that companies pay on stock buybacks would rise fourfold and those earning more than $400,000 would pay an additional Medicare tax that would help to keep the program solvent beyond the year 2050. Medicare could negotiate on the prices of more prescripti­on drugs, helping to save the government money.

 ?? EVAN VUCCI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? President Joe Biden speaks about his 2024 budget proposal at the Finishing Trades Institute on Thursday afternoon in Philadelph­ia.
EVAN VUCCI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS President Joe Biden speaks about his 2024 budget proposal at the Finishing Trades Institute on Thursday afternoon in Philadelph­ia.

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