East Bay Times

Immigratio­n helps Canada grow by 1M

- By Vjosa Isai

For the first time in its history, Canada grew by more than 1 million people last year and most of them were newcomers, signaling that the federal government's ambitious goal of boosting immigratio­n to fill labor shortages is within reach.

Canada's population growth rate of 2.7% in 2022 put it among the world's 20 fastest-growing nations, a list largely dominated by African countries, according to a new report by Statistics Canada, the census agency.

The growth comes as the federal government makes a push to address its labor shortage and manage a wave of retiring baby boomers by raising its 2025 immigratio­n targets almost 25%.

It also comes as the country grapples with a surge of asylum-seekers arriving at its border with the United States, a topic that is high on the agenda as President Joe Biden arrived in Canada's capital, Ottawa, Thursday for a two-day series of meetings with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

On Thursday before the visit began, a U.S. official familiar with the issue said the two countries had reached an agreement that would allow Canada to turn back asylum-seekers walking into the country from the south. In exchange, Canada has agreed to provide a new, legal refugee program for 15,000 migrants fleeing violence, persecutio­n and economic devastatio­n in South and Central America, the official said.

Canada enjoys widespread support for immigratio­n and public “attitudes are extremely positive,” said Victoria Esses, director of the Centre for Research on Migration and Ethnic Relations at Western University in London, Ontario.

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