East Bay Times

`Prompt action' on fire insurance has yet to help homeowners


In September, Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order for “prompt regulatory action” to address the plight of California homeowners facing availabili­ty and affordabil­ity problems in home and fire insurance.

But at its present pace — and with doubts from consumers, lawmakers and insurers about the Department of Insurance's proposals to alleviate the crisis — help for residents may not arrive until 2026, according to the most pessimisti­c outlook by the insurance industry.

Those waiting are California­ns like the Smithlines, a retired couple in Forest Hill in Placer County, who saw their fire insurance premium balloon to the point that they've decided they will have to do without it.

Bobbi Smithline said their premium this year tripled to almost $6,000 from $1,800 in 2020. They were on the FAIR Plan — the last resort for residents who can't find traditiona­l insurance — because Farmers would not renew their previous policy three years ago.

“Our property taxes and homeowner insurance came at the same time as the FAIR Plan (bill),” Smithline said. “We can't afford to do all three.”

The FAIR Plan is run by the state but financed by insurers. Premiums under the plan are usually more expensive, and they're only getting higher. In September, California's Department of Insurance approved a rate increase sought by the insurers, for an average 15.7% rate hike.

As more people turn to the FAIR Plan because the biggest insurance providers in the state have either paused new policies or left the state, the plan's number of policies climbed to more than 330,000 as of September, an almost 21% rise since the beginning of the year.

The Smithlines have lived in their three-bedroom, oneand-a-half-bathroom house for 45 years and raised most of their eight children there. They never had a wildfire until last year, when the Mosquito Fire burned more than 76,000 acres in their county and nearby El Dorado County, Smithline said.

Now she and her husband, Mike, have told their children — who will inherit the house — about their decision. If a fire destroys their house, their plan is to put a mobile home on their 7.2acre property, or maybe live with one of their kids.

The Smithlines are among many affected by the insurance mess. But at least they have a choice. Because their home is paid off, they are not required to carry fire insurance, which homeowners with a mortgage must do.

Donna Yutzy in Magalia in Butte County, said that she will pay higher premiums — almost $7,000 a year for both fire and home insurance — because she doesn't want to risk having no fire insurance.

And Rebecca Reis, another homeowner who recently received a non-renewal notice because her San Francisco building was built before 1925, said her homeowners associatio­n will have to raise its dues to cover the increase in premiums for their building, from $7,000 to almost $30,000.

Newsom's September order followed the failure of proposed legislatio­n to address the crisis, and now California's

Department of Insurance is working on new regulation­s to try to fix the problems. The insurance industry cites a combinatio­n of inflation, climate change, and several devastatin­g and deadly wildfires since 2017, as well as what it calls outdated state regulation­s, as factors in carriers pulling back or pulling out of California.

There were a total of 8.73 million homeowners policies in 2021, and non-renewals of home and fire insurance policies climbed from 11% in 2018 to 13% in 2021, according to the state insurance department's most recent data. FAIR Plan policies over that same period jumped from 1.6% of the total market to 3%.

Since 2021, though, most of the top insurers in the state have either stopped writing or restricted new policies here.

Insurance Commission­er Ricardo Lara isn't expected to complete new rules until next year. Then insurers and consumer groups will react, so they say regulation­s may not be enacted until the following year, or even 2026 — meaning more of the same in the meantime.

Michael Soller, spokespers­on for Lara, said the department disagrees with the forecasts that things won't change until 2026, saying the department is moving as quickly as possible.

Two members of Congress from California, Reps. Katie Porter and Doug LaMalfa, may also try to help. They recently sent a letter to the chief executives of some of the big insurers that have paused, limited or are no longer issuing new policies in the state, asking for briefings and discussion­s on possible solutions. Porter and LaMalfa asked the CEOs of Farmers, Allstate, USAA, State Farm and CSE Insurance to respond by Nov. 17.

Porter, the Democratic lawmaker from Orange County who is running for U.S. Senate, plans to write legislatio­n and “conduct oversight as appropriat­e” on this issue, she said in an emailed statement.

The insurance industry has been “grousing” about California's regulation­s for years, said Rex Frazier, president of the industry group Personal Insurance Federation of California. Among the industry's complaints: California is the only state in the nation that does not allow insurers to use forwardloo­king catastroph­e models that take into account the increased risks from climate change; the state's insurance-department reviews of proposed rates take too long; and the state won't allow insurers to factor reinsuranc­e costs into their rates.

The state is poised to adopt rules that appear to give insurers what they want as long as they write at least 85% of their statewide market share in wildfire-distressed areas. For example, a company that provides 10% of homeowner policies in the state would need to provide 8.5% of the coverage in such areas.

The public will get a chance to weigh in as the insurance department works to complete the regulation­s, said Soller, Lara's spokespers­on.

One consumer group is already slamming Lara's strategy as presented, saying it amounts to deregulati­on and warning the governor and state legislator­s that the plan will not benefit the state's consumers.

“We know what deregulati­on has done,” Jamie Court, president of Consumer Watchdog, said in an interview. Court said hurricane-prone Florida doesn't have a “rigorous rate process,” which is why he said premiums in that state are much higher than in California. In 2020, the average California homeowners insurance premium was $1,241 a year, while Florida's was $2,165, according to the National Associatio­n of Insurance Commission­ers.

Court added that has been “nothing in writing” in terms of an agreement between the state and the insurers.

The state's Democratic lawmakers are concerned about the plan, too. Thirtytwo of them, including Rep. John Garamendi, a former insurance commission­er, sent a letter to Lara. They wrote that his proposal “may result in a diminution of the authority granted by California voters,” and “could threaten the important consumer protection­s establishe­d in Propositio­n 103 and in place since 1988.” Among other things, Propositio­n 103 gives the state's insurance department the authority to review rate changes.

In response, Lara sent a letter addressed to Rep. Zoe Lofgren, chair of the California Democratic Congressio­nal Delegation. In it, the insurance commission­er, who CC'd the rest of the signatorie­s of the letter, said, “Propositio­n 103 does not grant unlimited power.” He added that his plan is supported by residents including “wildfire survivors, ranchers and farmers … and other insurance consumers who are experienci­ng the impact of outdated regulatory rules.” Lara also asked the Congressio­nal members for federal help including “better management of federal forests and watersheds” and more funding for grants to help with home hardening.

Yutzy, the Butte County resident, said she and her husband are lucky to be able to afford the higher insurance costs. It's the price they have to pay for retiring in that area, she said.

She predicted that the increased costs will change the demographi­cs of the area, which she said people used to move to because it was affordable. That all changed after the Camp Fire in 2018, the state's deadliest and most destructiv­e wildfire in the state, which killed at least 85 people and almost completely destroyed the town of Paradis.

Yutzy said residents of the area have been doing a lot of work since then, and that insurers should take that into account as they set rates. “Take a look at what the communitie­s are doing generally in terms of fuel reduction and wildfire mitigation.”

Those in the industry say insurers don't want to leave the biggest market in the nation, and that urgent action is needed for the sake of all stakeholde­rs.

Vanessa Wells, a Silicon Valley attorney who represents insurance companies, said that before 2020, the carriers would have felt that California was “too important a market to leave behind.” But the massive wildfires were followed by billions of dollars in payouts.

“Since that time, it's too big in a different way — that you can go out of business here,” Wells said.

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