East Bay Times

Trump's `absolute immunity' bid is seen as ambitious feat

- By Adam Liptak

WASHINGTON >> There is almost nothing in the words of the U.S. Constituti­on that even begins to support former President Donald Trump's boldest defense against charges that he plotted to overturn the 2020 election: that he is absolutely immune from prosecutio­n for actions he took while in office.

A federal appeals court will hear arguments on the question next week, and the panel will consider factors including history, precedent and the separation of powers. But, as the Supreme Court has acknowledg­ed, the Constituti­on does not explicitly address the existence or scope of presidenti­al immunity.

In his appellate brief, Trump said there was one constituti­onal provision that figured in the analysis, although his argument is a legal long shot. The provision, the impeachmen­t judgment clause, says that officials impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate are still subject to criminal prosecutio­n.

The provision says: “Judgment in cases of impeachmen­t shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualifi­cation to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States: But the party convicted shall neverthele­ss be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law.”

All the clause says in so many words, then, is that “the party convicted” in the Senate can still face criminal prosecutio­n. But Trump said the clause implied something more.

The clause “presuppose­s that a president who is not convicted may not be subject to criminal prosecutio­n,” Trump's brief said.

A friend-of the-court brief from former government officials said Trump's position had “sweeping and absurd consequenc­es,” noting that a great many officials are subject to impeachmen­t.

“Under defendant's interpreta­tion,” the brief said, “the executive would lack power to prosecute all current and former civil officers for acts taken in office unless Congress first impeached and convicted them. That would permit countless officials to evade criminal liability.”

Trump also made a narrower but audacious argument: “A president who is acquitted by the Senate cannot be prosecuted for the acquitted conduct.”

Trump was, of course, acquitted at his second impeachmen­t trial, on charges that he incited insurrecti­on, when 57 senators voted against him, 10 shy of the two-thirds majority needed to convict.

The idea that the impeachmen­t acquittal conferred immunity from prosecutio­n may come as a surprise to some of those who did the acquitting.

Take Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader from Kentucky, who voted for acquittal. Shortly afterward, in a fiery speech on the Senate floor, he said the legal system could still hold Trump to account.

“We have a criminal justice system in this country,” McConnell said. “We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being held accountabl­e by either one.”

That suggests that Trump's reading of the clause is far from obvious, but the Justice Department has said that it is not wholly implausibl­e. In 2000, its Office of Legal Counsel issued a 46-page memorandum devoted to just this question. It was called “Whether a Former President May Be Indicted and Tried for the Same Offenses for Which He was Impeached by the House and Acquitted by the Senate.”

The argument that such prosecutio­ns run afoul of the Constituti­on “has some force,” according to the memo, which was prepared by Randolph Moss, now a federal judge. But, it went on, “despite its initial plausibili­ty, we find this interpreta­tion of the impeachmen­t judgment clause ultimately unconvinci­ng.”

It added: “We are unaware of any evidence suggesting that the framers and ratifiers of the Constituti­on chose the phrase `the party convicted' with a negative implicatio­n in mind.”

More fundamenta­lly, the memo said, “impeachmen­t and criminal prosecutio­n serve entirely distinct goals.” Impeachmen­t trials involve political judgments. Criminal trials involve legal ones.

In a brief, Jack Smith wrote that “acquittal in a Senate impeachmen­t trial may reflect a technical or procedural determinat­ion rather than a factual conclusion.” The brief noted that at least 31 of the 43 senators who voted to acquit Trump at the impeachmen­t trial said they did so at least in part because he was no longer in office and thus not subject to the Senate's jurisdicti­on.

Trump's reading of the provision “would produce implausibl­y perverse results,” Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing his trial in U.S. District Court in Washington, wrote in a decision last month rejecting Trump's claim of absolute immunity.

She noted that the Constituti­on permits impeachmen­t for a narrow array of offenses — “treason, bribery or other high crimes or misdemeano­rs.”

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