East Bay Times

Supporters of Palestine complicit in the war


Re: “Albany joins Mideast cease-fire debate” (Page B1, March 7).

Albany City Council members have been screamed at by proPalesti­nian people who feel it is their duty to shame our City Council members into signing a cease-fire resolution regarding the war that Hamas started with Israel on Oct. 7, when it invaded Israel and tortured and slaughtere­d the country's citizens.

Pro-Palestinia­n demonstrat­ors have achieved their goal of racking up propaganda points at some city councils, but not all. Their ultimate goal is to spread hate for Israel and sever the relationsh­ip between Israel and the United States.

They accuse the City Council of being complicit in the war, but they never condemn Hamas for starting the war and committing horrific war crimes. They never demand that Hamas return the hostages and surrender. Therefore, they are the “complicit” ones. — Dorothea Dorenz Berkeley

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