East Bay Times

Becker calls for insurers to step up

Legislator wants firms to consider fire prevention work that has been done

- By John Woolfolk

Insurers in California have sounded the alarm: A warming climate has dramatical­ly raised the risk of devastatin­g wildfires, and with it the cost of providing coverage. But now a Peninsula lawmaker says those insurance companies should credit the state and homeowners for the work done to reduce our vulnerabil­ity to wildfires.

State Sen. Josh Becker, a Menlo Park Democrat, has introduced a bill that would require insurers to consider the state's efforts to thin flammable brush and trees as well as property owners' steps to make their homes more fire resistant, such as covering vents and clearing vegetation. Those efforts would need to be incorporat­ed into their risk modeling to determine coverage decisions and costs.

“What we're seeing is that in addition to the impact of home hardening, that forest treatment is going to have a big impact on wildfire risk, and that's not being taken into account,” Becker said. “You have to take these into considerat­ion.”

Becker's bill, SB 1060, comes as state officials scramble to prop up a home insurance market on the brink of collapse, with major insurers restrictin­g coverage and refusing to renew policies in many parts of the state. The bill is scheduled for its first hearing before the Insurance Committee on April 24.

The American Property Casualty Insurance Associatio­n, which represents insurers, said that while it supports wildfire mitigation efforts such as home and community hardening, the bill “has several complicati­ng factors to consider.”

“The California Department of Insurance already requires insurers that use risk models to take

into considerat­ion specific mitigation­s and provide consumers discounts,” the industry associatio­n said. “The department is also in the process of developing regulation­s to authorize new types of catastroph­e models that factor in the risk of wildfires and mitigation efforts taken by individual­s and communitie­s. We believe the department should be allowed time to adopt these regulation­s.”

Becker said the proposed law wouldn't mandate any particular discount or result, only for insurers to account for wildfire risk reduction efforts.

“The bill just requires them to do the work to collect the data,” Becker said. “If the models show these activities aren't helpful, then we shouldn't be spending billions of dollars on this, we should be spending it on other things.”

California suffered 14 of its 20 most destructiv­e wildfires on record in the last 10 years, a period that included a record drought. Insured losses from those blazes totaled more than $45 billion, according to the Insurance Informatio­n Institute.

Insurers say that as wildfire risks have risen with global temperatur­es, California's regulation­s on what they can charge consumers haven't allowed policy premiums to keep up, forcing them to reduce their exposure by discontinu­ing coverage in riskier areas.

The state's elected insurance

commission­er, Ricardo Lara, has promised to overhaul regulation­s by the end of the year to address the industry's top complaints. That would speed approval of rate increases, let insurers base them on catastroph­e models, and pass on their costs for reinsuranc­e, which helps them absorb catastroph­ic losses. Lara in exchange wants insurers to commit to covering more homes in areas at greater risk of wildfire.

Consumer advocates have argued the changes would just end up costing homeowners more without guaranteei­ng more coverage, pointing to other disaster stricken states like Florida.

Some California homeowners have been stung with massive increases in premiums — if not stripped of coverage altogether and forced onto the state's lastresort FAIR Plan. That plan is a private high-risk pool that provides minimal coverage at multiple times the cost of regular

policies. Many homeowners in the Santa Cruz Mountains, the North Bay and East Bay foothills have had to switch to that plan after their traditiona­l coverage was dropped.

“This is top of mind for so many of my constituen­ts,” Becker said. “This is affecting thousands and thousands of households.”

Becker said that it's gotten so bad that the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection can't even get insurance for at least two and as many as 11 of its fire stations.

Becker said higher temperatur­es weren't the only factor that fueled the state's destructiv­e wildfires. Vegetation management policies over the years allowed fuels to pile up in and around forests that before modern fire suppressio­n would have burned more regularly. Those accumulate­d fuels, left bonedry by the drought, drove explosive wildfires.

But California since 2017 has spent $3.7 billion on wildland fuel reduction, thinning and vegetation management, Becker said.

He points to a 2021 analysis by the Nature Conservanc­y and Willis Towers Watson, the world's third-largest insurance broker, which found that applying ecological forestry practices — prescribed burns and thinning to remove smaller trees and other vegetation in overgrown forests — could lower insurance premiums 41% on average for homes. That research was based on an ecological forest restoratio­n project in the watershed of the Placer County Water Agency in the Tahoe National Forest.

State officials in recent years also have been promoting techniques in which homeowners can reduce their property's wildfire vulnerabil­ity by removing vegetation, wood and other combustibl­es near the home and cover vents with screens to keep hot embers out. Lara has told insurers they must credit homeowners on their policies for those measures, though many say they have yet to receive such benefits.

But Becker said that as these home-hardening measures get adopted across communitie­s, it reduces overall fire risk, and that also should be reflected in the modeling insurers use in their underwriti­ng decisions.

“We need to see a number of homes in a community (do the work) to have an impact on that model,” Becker acknowledg­ed. “But it helps. Whether it's cities or individual­s, the people doing the work should get the reward.”

 ?? ?? Becker
 ?? ARIC CRABB — STAFF PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Hikers walk along a pathway in San Leandro's Chabot Park, where officials fear drought-stricken trees could easily catch fire.
ARIC CRABB — STAFF PHOTOGRAPH­ER Hikers walk along a pathway in San Leandro's Chabot Park, where officials fear drought-stricken trees could easily catch fire.

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