East Bay Times

High constructi­on costs limiting housing; court decision may help

- By Dan Walters Dan Walters is a CalMatters columnist.

California's chronic inability to build enough housing — particular­ly for low-income families — has many causes, but a big one is its extremely high cost of constructi­on.

Some costs are intrinsic and unavoidabl­e, such as land acquisitio­n and building materials. But some are artificial and could be lowered, especially those imposed by state and local government­s. They include dictating the use of high-cost unionized constructi­on labor, time-consuming environmen­tal clearances, arbitrary design criteria and so-called “impact fees.”

Collective­ly, these costs have the effect of minimizing the number of housing units that can be constructe­d for a given amount of investment — less bang for the buck.

Four years ago, the Los Angeles Times illustrate­d the syndrome by delving into a decadelong effort to construct a small apartment project for low-income residents of Solana Beach, an affluent coastal community in San Diego County.

What was proposed in 2009 as an 18-apartment project that would cost $413,913 per unit became — after 10 years of political and legal wrangling — a 10-apartment project costing more than $1 million a unit. It simply would not pencil out and was ultimately suspended.

Solana Beach was not an isolated example. Other projects costing $1-plus million per unit have surfaced, including one approved last week in Santa Monica, another upscale coastal community.

The 122-unit project, aimed at providing shelter for homeless people and built on cityowned land, will cost an estimated $123.1 million. It could become even costlier because of an extended developmen­t timeline: It's not expected to be built until 2030.

Developmen­t costs are particular­ly high in coastal communitie­s, but even in interior areas building modest apartments for low-income residents easily tops $500,000 per unit, which is often costlier than single-family homes in those communitie­s. It defies logic but that's the reality of housing in California.

As mentioned earlier, the many cost factors affecting housing in California also include impact fees.

While local government­s had imposed some fees for decades, they began escalating sharply after voters in 1978 passed Propositio­n 13, the iconic property tax limit, to offset the loss of tax revenue.

A 2015 study found that California's fees, averaging $23,000 a unit, were the highest in the nation and four times the national average. Housing advocates have argued that reducing fees would increase production but local government­s have zealously defended them.

Last week, as Santa Monica was approving the low-income housing project costing more than $1 million a unit, the U.S. Supreme Court was putting the brakes on California's impact fees. The court ruled unanimousl­y that fees constitute an unconstitu­tional “taking” of private property without compensati­on unless based on actual costs.

The case came out of El Dorado County, which had imposed a $23,420 “traffic impact” fee on retiree George Sheetz, who wanted to place a manufactur­ed home on his lot. Sheetz lost in state courts, which ruled that since the traffic fee was imposed by the county Board of Supervisor­s — rather than an administra­tive agency — it was a valid exercise of authority.

The Supreme Court, however, declared, “The Constituti­on provides no textual justificat­ion for saying that the existence or the scope of a state's power to expropriat­e private property without just compensati­on varies according to the branch of government effecting the expropriat­ion.”

Oddly, even though Gov. Gavin Newsom's administra­tion has excoriated local government­s for imposing arbitrary and costly conditions on housing projects, it supported El Dorado County's defense of traffic mitigation fees before the Supreme Court.

The ruling is a small step toward reducing some of the costs that make housing so expensive to build in California — a syndrome that, unless altered, will forever prevent the state from solving its housing dilemma.

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