East Bay Times


Concerns about a `runaway' constituti­onal convention are keeping blue (and red) states on sideline

- By John Woolfolk jwoolfolk@bayareanew­sgroup.com

Recent ads from Gov. Gavin Newsom's political action committee continue to push his effort to shake up the national gun debate with a constituti­onal amendment that would nationaliz­e key California firearm restrictio­ns.

“If Congress and the courts will not take action to help make our communitie­s safer from gun violence, then we — the people — must do it ourselves,” say the ads on social media from Newsom's Campaign for Democracy.

The California Legislatur­e in September approved a resolution in support, and Newsom said 33 other states must do likewise to call a constituti­onal convention and consider the amendment. But even among the 18 other U.S. states with legislatur­es led by Newsom's Democratic Party, none has done so.

Political observers aren't surprised, noting the nation's political landscape, amendment rules and the risks that could come with Newsom's proposed path of calling a constituti­onal convention.

“For the foreseeabl­e future, there is zero chance of a constituti­onal convention that would draft a gun control amendment,” said Claremont McKenna College politics professor John J. Pitney Jr., noting Republican­s control 59% of state legislativ­e chambers. “If they were to support a constituti­onal convention at all, its purpose would be to expand gun rights. And liberal legislator­s are right to be leery of a runaway convention. It might try to rewrite the whole Constituti­on and do things such as declaring Christiani­ty the national religion.”

A state Senate leader in Oregon said no one has reached out to him or the governor's office about a resolution supporting Newsom's proposed amendment, but that the threat of a “runaway” constituti­onal convention is a concern.

“I don't see us taking it up,” said Oregon Sen. Floyd Prozanski, a Democrat who chairs the state's Senate Judiciary Committee, arguing other legislativ­e paths appear more fruitful. “The last thing I'd want is to open up something where we can't put the lid back on the can.”

Newsom's proposed Right to Safety amendment would establish a national age to buy all firearms at 21, universal background checks and a waiting period before the buyer could take possession of them, and ban “assault weapons” — which look like mili

tary assault rifles but don't fire as quickly with one shot per trigger pull. A 1994 federal assault weapon ban expired in 2004.

So why is Newsom pushing it if it's gotten a lukewarm reception even in blue states?

“His supporters would say that the effort is aspiration­al,” Pitney said. “He is using this proposal as a way to encourage debate and deliberati­on about gun control, in hopes of encouragin­g future national legislatio­n on the topic. His detractors would say it's a gimmick to get publicity and build up a contact list for future political efforts.”

The California governor's office referred questions to Newsom's personal spokespers­on, Nathan Click, who noted that unlike California, many states only have part-time legislatur­es and the first time they could consider the matter would be next year.

“Constituti­onal amendments take decades, but Americans don't have that kind of time to wait for comprehens­ive gun safety,” Click said. “That's why, since California became the first state to pass the Right to Safety amendment last year, we've briefed leaders in more than 20 states. We have been very pleased by the response during these conversati­ons and look forward to more progress next year when all states are back in session.”

But when asked which lawmakers in other states are preparing to roll out support resolution­s, he said only “stay tuned.”

Gun-control advocacy groups that would be among Newsom's allies in lobbying other states for his amendment declined to comment on its progress or their efforts to promote it, including Moms Demand Action, whose founder, Shannon Watts, had praised Newsom's proposal for its “commonsens­e solutions.”

Gun rights advocates meanwhile argued the governor is discoverin­g there's little appetite for California gun laws outside the Golden State.

Randy Kozuch, executive director of the National Rifle Associatio­n's Institute for Legislativ­e Action, said “to our knowledge, no other state has introduced or acted on a similar proposal,” while 29 have adopted “constituti­onal carry” laws allowing concealed guns in public without a permit.

“Gavin Newsom needs to come to grips with the fact that the rest of the country isn't buying what he's selling,” Kozuch said.

To the concern of Oregon's Sen. Prozanski about a potential runaway constituti­onal convention, also raised during resolution hearings in Sacramento last year by Democrats like state Sen. Scott Wiener of San Francisco, Click noted the state's resolution explicitly says that it would be valid only for the proposed gun amendment.

But constituti­onal scholars say it's unclear that's legally possible. The U.S. Constituti­on lays out two routes for amendments, only one of which has been used in the adoption of its 27 current amendments. They were enacted after Congress by two-thirds votes in the House and Senate called for the amendments and they were ratified by at least three-fourths of the states.

Newsom proposed the alternativ­e path, in which the legislatur­es of two-thirds of the states — 34 of them — ask Congress to call a convention for considerin­g constituti­onal amendments, which then must be approved by three-fourths of the states.

The only such convention was called in 1787 to address problems of a weak central government in the fledgling country's Articles of Confederat­ion. It led to a wholesale rewrite and adoption two years later of the Constituti­on we have today.

“When the founding convention gathered at the Philadelph­ia statehouse, they gathered to only amend the Articles of Confederat­ion,” Albert said. “That's evidence that the power of a constituti­onal convention, a national convention, is unlimited.”

Newsom said his proposal was motivated by the U.S. Supreme Court's 2022 Bruen decision that found New York's concealed carry permit rules overly restrictiv­e and laid out a Second Amendment right-to-bear-arms review framework more favorable toward gun rights. The ruling has put California's similarly restrictiv­e concealed carry permit rules and other laws like the state's assault weapon ban in question.

But lawmakers in other states like Prozanski, a prosecutor and gun owner, say the Constituti­on and court rulings on gun rights still allow plenty of gun laws to be adopted through easier legislativ­e pathways. Just last week, President Biden closed a gun show loophole by expanding background checks on gun sales, addressing one of the provisions of Newsom's proposed amendments.

“We definitely have a lot of bandwidth and room to do something different,” Prozanski said.


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