East Bay Times

Trump has to cancel North Carolina rally because of weather


WILMINGTON, N.C. >> Donald Trump had to cancel his first planned rally Saturday since the start of his criminal hush money trial because of a storm in North Carolina, an added complicati­on for the former president and presumptiv­e Republican nominee as he juggles legal troubles and his rematch against President Joe Biden.

Trump called into the rally near the Wilmington airport less than an hour before he was scheduled to take the stage and apologized to a few thousand supporters who had gathered throughout the afternoon.

Trump promised to reschedule a rally at the same location, with a “bigger and better” event.

The cancellati­on underscore­s the difficulty Trump faces as he tries to manage a presidenti­al bid with a criminal trial in New York that will keep him in court for most of the week.

Opening arguments are expected in the trial Monday morning.

Voters who had assembled were ready to stand by Trump, echoing his claims that multiple pending criminal indictment­s are an effort to take down the presumptiv­e Republican nominee — and squelch the people who first propelled Trump eight years ago and want to return him to the White House again.

“It's political persecutio­n, and if it were anybody else he wouldn't have to be dealing with it,” said Christian Armstrong, a 28-year-old firefighte­r who lives in Wilmington and was attending his first Trump rally.

LeeAnn Coleman, a 42-yearold who is in a family restaurant business, said “it's ludicrous that he's having to do this at all,” rather than spend time focusing on “all the problems he wants to fix.”

Those sentiments validate or they at least reflect Trump's strategy to use his mandated court time to his advantage by folding the proceeding­s, the first time an American president has faced felony criminal charges, into the same populist, anti-establishm­ent arguments that first fueled his rise eight years ago.

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