East Bay Times

Spend less when shopping


Most of us would probably like to spend less when we shop, but that can be hard to do. Here are some tips on how to shop smarter:

• Buy what you need, not what you want. Ideally, head out to a store with a specific shopping list, and stick to it. You might also take only as much money as you'll need, so that you won't be tempted to overspend.

• If you tend to charge more than you should on credit cards, consider leaving your cards at home and paying with cash. (Some studies have found people spend less with cash.) If you use cards responsibl­y, you might use a cashback card in order to save more. Certain cards can give you up to 5% or 6% back at supermarke­ts, Amazon.com and elsewhere.

• Don't shop for food when you're hungry. Also consider planning some meals in advance, so that you'll buy the essentials and won't have to grocery shop as often.

• Set a spending budget for various expense categories. For example, you might aim to spend no more than $150 at the supermarke­t each week. If so, try to stick to that.

• Use coupons and wait for sales. Research bigticket items before buying to make sure you're getting good quality. Compare prices at several stores or online.

• Avoid “retail therapy” — don't just shop because you're bored or feeling low. Find other ways to feel better, such as taking a walk, working on crafts or visiting a friend.

• If you still miss shopping, consider patronizin­g thrift stores more often. They can provide fun excursions while helping you not spend too much.

• If you're considerin­g buying something you might not need, pause and don't take any action for a day or a week. See if you still really want to buy it.

You can find more money-saving tips and financial product reviews at our sister site, TheAscent.com.

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