Editor & Publisher

Ali Zimnie, 30


Editor, Spinal Column Newsweekly Highland, Mich. Education: Oakland University, bachelor of arts, journalism

What advice do you have for other young profession­als in the news industry?

Be insatiably curious. In this industry, every day you have the opportunit­y to learn and experience something new and someone new. Seize the opportunit­y. Learn and experience everything you can. Listen and learn, but don’t hold back on your ideas.

Build relationsh­ips and attend events. Get comfortabl­e talking with people. When someone is talking, listen, and don’t be afraid of uncomforta­ble silences and pauses. Coming from a generation where the bulk of communicat­ion takes place via text and social media posts and email, the art of sitting down and having a meaningful face-to-face connection has gotten lost somewhere along the way. Meeting new people and seeing the world in its many shades of grey is a big part of what makes our job so exciting.

Be prepared to do a lot of things for free. It sucks, but it’s also the reality. Always carry a pen and paper, and don’t expect to be thanked by the public or even your sources, when you did a terrific job.

What is the most useful skill you have learned while on the job?

The growth of a nice, thick skin. Actually, I’m still working on this one. Journalism is not for the faint of heart.

You’ll get the continuum of critique thrown at you, from grammar to subject matter, to “bias.” And every once in a while, you’ll get a call or email that will hit you hard. This dynamic is similar to being a referee in sports. Most calls, no matter how accurate, are likely to upset half the people watching. You need to take yourself completely out of the equation. Remove your ego and be objective as you can.

But make sure that thick skin doesn’t make you hard. There’s always a chance you’ll get bitter or cynical, but don’t let it stifle your creative spirit. The most desirable trait you can have in the workplace is a positive attitude and the ability to adapt to change. Learn to take the good with the bad, grow and evolve from life’s lessons.

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