Editor & Publisher

Brandon Bell, 29


News Photograph­er, Getty Images Education: Long Beach City College, associate degree in communicat­ions

What advice do you have for other young profession­als in the news industry?

Growing up, I did not have access to journalism programs, facilities or fellowship­s. There may have been a class here and there, but no real strong mentorship that could help pave the way for a career in journalism. My love for storytelli­ng has always opened doors and allowed me to be in unique and special places. I’m a self-taught photograph­er who worked retail jobs and saved money to train myself as a journalist. I would stay up until 3 or 4 a.m. studying light and compositio­n and then make it to class by 8 a.m. to begin my day. Not the greatest habit, but I did that for years. I couldn’t help myself. I took my camera with me everywhere and felt terrible when I couldn’t have it with me. My biggest piece of advice for younger photograph­ers is to “go even though none go with you.”

How have you overcome obstacles in your photojourn­alism career?

I really believe passion and determinat­ion propelled me past obstacles, and whenever I hit roadblocks, I was never stuck for too long because I could see the goal. I could feel the dream. There will always be setbacks but learn to turn those setbacks into opportunit­ies. In their love for you, people will try to deter you because the field is a challengin­g career to make a living in, but your love and passion for your work must continue to mature to be greater than peoples’ disbelief.

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