El Dorado News-Times

Cut pies down to size: Single serving sweetness


Associated Press

Big, family-sized pies tend to get all the summer dessert glory, but when it comes to picnics and backyard barbecues, I actually favor single serving hand pies.

Sure, it's a little more work to make a batch of hand pies than to make one large one, but the little guys are easier to transport and easier to eat. They also are awfully versatile. Hand pies can be savory or sweet, and can take a variety of shapes; I'm partial to those shaped like half-moons. So as we head into the heart of peach season, I decided to share this recipe for half-moon-shaped hand pies filled with yummy peaches.

Peaches must be peeled before cooking, which can be tedious. Happily, serrated produce peelers (sold just about everywhere kitchen gadgets are found) make it easy to peel not only stone fruits like peaches, but tomatoes, too. If you own one of these handy gizmos (they're quite affordable), then just make sure your peach is ripe, but firm. A peach that's too ripe — and too soft — will be difficult to peel no matter what you use.

If you don't own one of these peelers or if your peaches are very ripe and soft, you'll have to peel it old school. Use a paring knife to score the bottom of each peach in a crisscross pattern, then blanch the peaches in boiling water until the skin starts to peel back (it'll take about 30 seconds). After that, just plunge them into ice water and the skin should slip off easily. This method also works well with tomatoes.

Once they are peeled, it's time to pre-season the peaches. Cut them into half-inch cubes, toss them with sugar and fresh lemon juice, then drain them. This step serves several purposes. The sugar not only sweetens the peaches, it also pulls out excess liquid, ensuring that the peaches won't sog up the pastry during the baking process. The lemon juice points up the peach flavor even as it keeps the fruit from oxidizing and turning brown.

By the way, the resulting juice is so richly peachy that I suggest serving it over a scoop of ice cream!

A word of caution: Given how many times this recipe calls for the chilling of the dough and the pies, you may be tempted to skip these steps. Don't do it. Chilling is key to making sure the butter in the pastry stays cold, which is key to the production of a light and flaky crust.

 ??  ?? Little size, big flavor: With fresh peaches about to be in season, why not get the taste of a large pie in a convenient hand-held size? Hand pies take a little more time to prepare, but are sure to be a hit at any picnic.
Little size, big flavor: With fresh peaches about to be in season, why not get the taste of a large pie in a convenient hand-held size? Hand pies take a little more time to prepare, but are sure to be a hit at any picnic.

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