El Dorado News-Times

Trump vows to sue all female accusers


GETTYSBURG, Pa. (AP) — Steering his campaign toward controvers­y yet again, Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sue every woman who has accused him of sexual assault or other inappropri­ate behavior. He called them “liars” whose allegation­s he blamed Democrats for orchestrat­ing.

Trump's blunt threat of legal action eclipsed his planned focus on serious-minded policy during a speech in Gettysburg. Though his campaign had billed the speech as a chance for Trump to lay out a to-do list for his first 100 days as president, he seemed unable to restrain himself from re-litigating grievances with Hillary Clinton, the media and especially the women who have come forward in recent days.

“All of these liars will be sued once the election is over,” Trump said. He added later: “I look so forward to doing that.”

Ten women have publicly accused Trump of unwanted advances

sexual assault in the weeks since a 2005 recording emerged in which the former reality TV star boasted of kissing women and groping their genitals without their consent. Trump has denied all allegation­s while insisting some of the women weren't attractive enough for him to want to pursue.

“Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign,” he said. Without offering evidence, he surmised that Clinton or the Democratic National Committee had put the women up to it.

Clinton's campaign said it was a troubling insight into a potential Trump presidency. Clinton spokeswoma­n Christina Reynolds called the speech “rambling” and “unfocused.”

Trump's broadside against the women came at the start of an otherwise substantiv­e speech that sought to weave the many policy ideas he has put forward into a single, cohesive agenda that he said he would pursue aggressive­ly during his first three months in office.

The Republican nominee vowed to lift restrictio­ns on domestic energy production, label China as a currency manipulato­r and renegotiat­e the North American Free Trade Agreement, familiar themes to supporters who have flocked to his rallies this year.

“This is my pledge to you, and if we follow these steps, we will once again have a government of, by and for the people,” Trump said, invoking a phrase from President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

Though mostly a rehash of policies he's proposed before, Trump's speech included a few new elements, such as a freeze on hiring new federal workers and a two-year mandatory minimum sentence for immigrants who re-enter the U.S. illegally after being deported a first time. In a pledge sure to raise eyebrows on Wall Street, he said he'd block a potential merger between AT&T and media conglomera­te Time Warner.

Translatin­g his proposals into digestible bullet points, he offered to-thepoint titles for the legislativ­e vehicles he'd need Congress to approve to accomplish his goals, such as the “End Illegal Immigratio­n Act” and the “Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act.”

Throughout the GOP primary, Trump was criticized for shying away from detailed policy proposals. But his speech, which aides said would form the core of his closing argument to voters, underscore­d how the billionair­e has gradually compiled a broad — if sometimes vague — policy portfolio that straddles conservati­ve, isolationi­st and populist orthodoxie­s.

Yet any headway that Trump may have made was likely to be diluted by his legal threats against his accusers, just the latest example of Trump stepping on his intended message at inopportun­e moments. Days earlier, during the final debate, his otherwise well-received performanc­e was marred by an alarming statement near the end that he might not accept the outcome of the election if he loses.

Trump didn't say what kind of lawsuits he planned to file against the women, but any libel litigation could be complicate­d by the fact that Trump, in the 2005 recording, bragged about the same kind of conduct the women now accuse him of perpetrati­ng. Trump recently vowed to sue The New York Times for libel but has not yet followed through on the threat.

With the debates now over, Trump and Clinton have few apparent opportunit­ies to alter the course the race substantia­lly — a reality that benefits Clinton more than Trump.

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